After having my start date postponed for a week I began work today. Part of the induction was explaining all the roles of everyone, and introducing me to all the people working on the same floor as me. My manager did say he didn't expect me to remember
, so not sure why we spent so long on it. The IT guys had got an account sorted, which was good, but I didn't have access to the network drive where my manager had put all the documents for me to study, that wasn't. The intranet wasn't working either. Also the personnel officer was called to an unexpected meeting, so I really had nothing to do. I'm not used to having to take an hour lunch break either. When the weather's good I think I'll go for a walk, otherwise a good book or something else to pass the time.
However I did get the chance to meet with the existing tenant participation officer, and I've arranged to shadow her for the meetings she has on this week to give me a better idea of what actually goes on. They do have 2 allotments, one run for people with learning difficulties and one for physically impaired people, so I might get the chance to attend some of their meetings. The next one is on biodynamics and moon planting
So why am I feeling totally exhausted?

However I did get the chance to meet with the existing tenant participation officer, and I've arranged to shadow her for the meetings she has on this week to give me a better idea of what actually goes on. They do have 2 allotments, one run for people with learning difficulties and one for physically impaired people, so I might get the chance to attend some of their meetings. The next one is on biodynamics and moon planting

So why am I feeling totally exhausted?