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  • evening all,not long now Jules,very pleased for you both,that your able to go,good news about the head,i do not blame him for waiting till after with the pills,all you need is another hommm up,thank goodness it's cooled down a bit,am not looking forwards to the week ends reported heatwave,
    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


    • Just come in from watching the sun go down over the hill - whilst waiting for my finger to stop bleeding (Me, a Drama Queen ? ). Just slicing a few beans and managed to ram the knife point into my finger tip. Pretty stoopid really Its all better now, so I can go back to finding summat to eat. The hot weather takes my appetite away - apart from chocolate and crisps Better cook those beans with tomatoes so the blood doesn't show
      Hope you've all had a good day!!


      • oh dear VC,chop a bit slower,thats gonna get in the way now,and sting if you do onions,awch,

        sweet dreams peeps,my bed is calling me,
        Last edited by lottie dolly; 10-07-2013, 09:42 PM. Reason: added to
        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


        • I've just been sitting outside, looking at the stars, listening to the silence, smelling the honeysuckle, feeling the warm night air - I love this sleepy little village, I've been away too long!
          Good night all, its time for my beauty sleep


          • Night VC...
            Love sitting out late at night too in this weather... so peaceful and relaxing...
            I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

            ...utterly nutterly


            • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
              I've just been sitting outside, looking at the stars, listening to the silence, smelling the honeysuckle, feeling the warm night air - I love this sleepy little village, I've been away too long!
              Good night all, its time for my beauty sleep
              Sweet honeysuckle-filled dreams, VC!

              I've always been somewhere urban - even when I was up for the solstice a couple of weeks ago at 4.30am there were town sounds. One or two cars going round the ringroad not too far from the back of the house. A plane, high up - even at that time.

              Its like white noise and I'm immune to it - it's only when I'm away from it that I realise the constant 'stuff'. Actually, I'm not immune to it - in N Yorks a couple of weeks ago it was both dark and quiet, which was odd, but extremely restful. You don't realise what you're ignoring till - er - you don't have to ignore it any more.


              • Cold and foggy here this morning. Slow start for me, need to make something and get cleaned up and down to a neighbours for lunch. Such a social life I lead

                Sitting out in the hot weather tho, at night, there's no peace in that! The constant droning of mossies and the slap of people swatting them, and cursing when they miss! Now that's white noise

                My blog:

                Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

                One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

                Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


                • Morning all. Dull and cool here - sunshine forecast for this afternoon.


                  • Morning RL, evening Feral.. a lovely cool morning today but forcasts a warm day, have a good one.
                    sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                    Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                    Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                    KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                    • Morning All. Another bright sunshiney morning I need to weed the cliff before the sun hits it as it was cooking hot there yesterday.
                      Have a peaceful day


                      • Morning All, dull start here, hope there's sunshine later. Have a good day
                        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                        • Morning!! Started off cloudy, but it's breaking up now. It wasn't much cooler with the cloud last night, I had been hoping for a less restless night. But who cares? The sun is here.....

                          Still packing....going up to the APs' today, sail on Saturday. I'm not rushing to get away this morning, there are things to do and I want to do them in peace and not get stressed. Ma seems to think we should be on the road by 10, but if we rush up there I'll sit there with nothing to do, bored, and be thinking of stuff I wanted to do/ really should have done at home....

                          Did you get you camera bag done, Hazel? I was off fighting with the under-seaming of a dress I want to take with me today. Up until 8pm last night it was still in it's component parts.......we're doing a little better this morning but still quite a lot to do, including the dreaded concealed zipper.


                          Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

                          ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

                          Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


                          • Wow Jules, its finally time for your hollies. I know all about leaving packing until the last minute but.........making clothes to pack at the very last minute
                            If I don't manage to say this before you leave, hope you have a fantastic time


                            • Nothing like a last-minute rush, hey, Jules!?

                              G'Moooooooooornin' Peeps! Cooler here today, thankfully - a bit cloudy at the moment, but forecast to clear later. Today's work has been planned around that fact.

                              Have a fab day, all - catch ya later!
                              All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                              Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                              • I hope I do too, VC.

                                I'm still having a hard time summoning enthusiasm, but I'll be alright once we're on our way......probably by the time we're on the ferry to Dunkerque.

                                I'm hoping we'll get to meet my bro's new kittens tomorrow or Friday too. Get a last minute cat fix in. MyCat has realised 'something is up' and she is not impressed. Poor Cleo, I will miss her, but she's got the boys for company. The Boy is on cat duty, #2 Son is on chook duty. #1 Son is general supervisor & chief cook. They are all three tasked with watering the garden.

                                Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

                                ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

                                Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


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