Good morning peeps,hot,hot hot,poor little lad,maybe the stupid parents were affected by the heat as well,
not a good combination.
Of to collect my new glasses in a bit,good news is i can still see fine for driving,{cateracts developing in both
}then its get me picture and send the form of to Swansea with proof of id ext,what a faff,only had new ones last nov,opty says my lenses are getting weaker,and don't i know it,bloomin senior ageing,having to do some catchup on the washing and house work,uggg,sun and heat force me to stay in,so may as well do what i feel like,seems i will have the place to myself for a few hours,
not a good combination.
Of to collect my new glasses in a bit,good news is i can still see fine for driving,{cateracts developing in both
