Sounds like you had a fab day, VC.
Evening All...just sitting down to some very unhealthy dinner after 14 hours on the road - although we did stop quite a lot. The BH is really feeling it. #1 Son did volunteer to swap his shift so that they could share the driving, but his Dad said no, he'd be fine - silly beggar
Anyway, #2 is home safe after an exhilarating first year at Uni and already raring to go for next term. The nearer we got to Hull, the cloudier it became today, but it started to clear on the way home and is beautiful here. Came home along the A46 - lovely route.
We arrived back to find the DD has been round and dropped off a load of food. We are, apparently, barbecuing tomorrow.......I think we'll be in bed early if'n we have a lot to do tomorrow. I'll need to get up at a decent time to make a pavlova.
I've missed something about a new Gt Granddaughter of Lottie's? Congratz Lottie & Mr Lottie (We saw some fab vintage cars today...)
I've eaten fresh-baked pretzels from L!dl today. Wonderful, but I so wish I hadn't eaten bread - I look like I'm pregnant now. It'll be a few days before the bloating goes away. Serves me right. Drove up to Hull in a perfectly tailored dress, drove back in a strangulating cotton corset.
Evening All...just sitting down to some very unhealthy dinner after 14 hours on the road - although we did stop quite a lot. The BH is really feeling it. #1 Son did volunteer to swap his shift so that they could share the driving, but his Dad said no, he'd be fine - silly beggar

We arrived back to find the DD has been round and dropped off a load of food. We are, apparently, barbecuing tomorrow.......I think we'll be in bed early if'n we have a lot to do tomorrow. I'll need to get up at a decent time to make a pavlova.
I've missed something about a new Gt Granddaughter of Lottie's? Congratz Lottie & Mr Lottie (We saw some fab vintage cars today...)
I've eaten fresh-baked pretzels from L!dl today. Wonderful, but I so wish I hadn't eaten bread - I look like I'm pregnant now. It'll be a few days before the bloating goes away. Serves me right. Drove up to Hull in a perfectly tailored dress, drove back in a strangulating cotton corset.