good afternoon peeps,we got close,warm and dry for now,am having to do some house work 
,in my younger days it was always spic and spam,even with 3 kids,now its mmm,like a dirty junk shop,says she shamed faced,1 room at a time
Please the new pets are settling in VC,G4,hurry them up VVG your next,
Jules,what a mess for you all,pleased to hear of some improvement for him,trouble is,when things happen to our loved ones,it happens to us also,sending you all gentle hugs,just whistle when you want some,and they will be with you,there is always someone on here with a listening ear,and words of comfort,

Please the new pets are settling in VC,G4,hurry them up VVG your next,
Jules,what a mess for you all,pleased to hear of some improvement for him,trouble is,when things happen to our loved ones,it happens to us also,sending you all gentle hugs,just whistle when you want some,and they will be with you,there is always someone on here with a listening ear,and words of comfort,
