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  • Thought I'd lost the new dog, just now. She wasn't in either of the dog baskets, or on the rug or at my feet - yet I knew she hadn't gone out into the garden or left the kitchen. Finally I saw her - in the laundry basket on the clean washing
    Attached Files


    • Rooty likes to do that, but fortunately on the dirties I have sorted
      Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein

      Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw


      • I think this may be my dirty washing basket now!! She is so comfy I can't turf her out


        • Morning All Cute pic VC. Bright sunshine again, wish I didn't have to go to work, but hey ho, off we go. See you later maybe, have a good day.
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • Morning all. No sunshine here yet but I'm hoping Need to cut the lawn but it's a bit wet yet. Maybe later.


            • Good morning Grapes! Much the same here Rusty, Cloudy but hopeful
              Have a great day whatever you're doing


              • Morning all,sun shinning through clouds,
                VC how cute,is she saying how she loves her new environment,
                Jules,i hope Mr is still improving,and you are a bit easier rested,nothing worse than wanting to see,to do something and the eyes won't play ball,when is your big moment in the new posh frock,or have i missed it,
                Looks like lots of new spammers on the who's on line page,ruddy nuisances,
                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                • Morning it looks like being a good day here

                  LD the mods have been quick to rid the spammers this morning credit to them.
                  Location....East Midlands.


                  • Morning.............. dull and overcast but not cold here this morning.

                    Aching like billy-o from working on the allotment last night but at least I didn't gain any new bruises on my knees, thanks to the new kneepads! I am hoping that the aches in strange places are going to ease up as the body becomes accustomed to the allotmenteering poses and stretches.


                    • You find muscles you did not know existed lol,take it a bit easier and let them get used to it,like warm them up,after all,it is an excersise,
                      sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                      • Yep.... like at the bottom of my bottom!

                        I've been very sedentary for quite a while now and as I also have a long term back condition I do take it easy and have regular breaks.


                        • G'Mooooooooornin Peeps! Cloudy here at the moment, but sun is forecast. Had a busy day yesterday, got in at 4:45 then washed, changed and back out at 5:45, and home again at 10:30. No time for lunch or dinner, so I grabbed a kebab on the way home - it was that or chips, but I'm off the carbs.

                          Now scoffing leftover kebab for brekkie - oh the shame!

                          I'm supposed to be riding the BIG 'Orse again this morning, but I'm stiff as a board, so not feeling it.

                          All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                          Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                          • Morning All.....Grey today. Hope it goes away on the tide.

                            The ward sister has phoned to say it'll be late afternoon before the cranial chap has looked at the BH, so not to go in too early. They are also doing some other tests on his reflexes and suchlike, just to be absolutely up to date. As I understand it, this is because of the brain swelling and pressure - they have to be very watchful. We will be having visits from the community nurse for a while, too, because there was a brain injury.

                            Lottie, the posh frock was for the Andre Rieu concert on July 14th. I'm not all that certain that we'll make it to Holland. Depends on the patient. I have two more pieces of shot silk taffeta that I want to make into dresses, but I'm not sure I'll get round to that for a while.

                            This morning it has occurred to us that tomorrow night is The Boy's Prom. Thankfully, we are all set to go. I sent for a tie/hanky/cufflink set the other week and they sent the wrong colour blue - we could do with the replacement set dropping through the door today or tomorrow, but he can wear the first set if it doesn't arrive. It's annoying, but in the big scheme of things, it's not that important really. I have to let his suit trousers down (again!) today sometime, and cut his hair tomorrow. I thought it would be cheaper, dressing a boy for the Prom, but no......we've spent more on his suit than the DD's dress!

                            Last edited by julesapple; 26-06-2013, 09:23 AM.

                            Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

                            ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

                            Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


                            • Morning all....

                              Beautiful day here with the sun shining from early morning....
                              Bad bit is the discovery of greenfly on some chilli plants in one of the greenhouses... barstewards!
                              I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                              ...utterly nutterly


                              • Good to hear Jules, hope the Prom Boy has a good night.

                                Cleared up today for a while, which was good. Spent most of the day helping the boys try and finish the sorting of the rental property for inspection this afternoon. He's got another 2 days now to get it done. Gotta love that boys always need their buy them sugar soap for washing the walls, and spakfilla and matching paint

                                Had to laugh, when they moved in, the next door neighbour was a lady just retired from where I worked. Had a chat, and told her to just tell them off if they were too noisy. Just had a catch up with her over the fence today and he's been good. Only two nights they were too noisy, and it wasn't her but the man over the back that complained to the police about it! Bit embarrassing when they move in next door to people you know!
                                Last edited by Feral007; 26-06-2013, 10:51 AM.

                                My blog:

                                Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

                                One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

                                Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


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