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Has anyone rooted .... their phone?


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  • #16
    another thought,

    Try flash upgrading your firmware on the phone after doing a factory reset.. if that does not work perhaps find an older firmware version and flash downgrade your phone to free up system usage

    Did you upgrade your os on the phone since buying it? perhaps that's where the additional memery has gone?
    Last edited by RedThorn; 11-03-2013, 10:15 PM.
    Never test the depth of the water with both feet

    The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory....

    Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.


    • #17
      My phone started playing up got a very young person to look at it
      He updated the phone firmware via google app store.
      moved some of the bigger memory apps to the sd card.
      internal phone memory is not that big.
      Fitted 32gb Sd card.
      Photo and video now stored on sd card
      He recommended deleting search history and cookies and something else ?every few weeks
      your phone will also logs everything you do on it every key you press,
      Via google(if on android ) every time you get a app that stop working
      It will ask you to wait report or force close.
      Its unbelievable how long this log is and its all stored on the internal memory.

      Apps like faceacke will also cause your phone to play up if you don't upgrade regularly

      Some upgrade gives them access to your camera 24-7 and allows sockets
      So if your sitting on the loo reading your text someone could be watching
      Reading your private data or going through all your contacts .

      Some apps also conflict with each other causing problems
      Try removing the last app you installed?
      Had huge problems with sound cloud until they fixed the bugs in the latest update.
      Works fine now.
      Had to remove it from my phone for a bit.
      Also had a problem with the pre installed FM radio app couldn't answer any calls when it was on couldn't turn it off when it auto answered. So had the radio going when I was talking on the phone. Rubbish tried to remove the app phone stopped working.
      So had to force it to close remove icon but its still on the phone.
      Installed a free one from the app store and it works great.

      People in the shop will just want to sell/give you a new one

      You could also try putting it in a pot fill with soil then watering it
      Don't think it will root or a lump hammer


      • #18
        Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
        Have you?

        Did it go well?

        Did it "brick" ?

        I have spent all afternoon ploughing through unintelligible techie jargon, trying to un-jam my phone, which is not accepting texts or apps, because the "internal memory is full". Except it isn't: there's hardly anything on it, no stored texts, only a dozen apps, no games, no videos, no nuffin.

        I am very, very narked.

        Sent texts?

        I have hundreds. Don't think my old phone liked that.


        • #19
          I rooted my Android phone and it allowed to use two wonderful products

          SDMaid to help clean your phone from any unwanted files and also clean the databases (this can same lots of internal memory) and
          ROMToolbox Pro This allows you to install any programme onto your SD card, Backup your ROM (so you can restore it should anything go wrong), speed up your SD card, and much, much, more.

          And because you have a rooted phone you should also install ROM Manager

          With these 3 apps you can clear your internal memory and uninstall some of the bloatware that the networks put on your phone which is not necessary and generally speed up your phone.

          However after you first root your phone install ROM Manager first and backup your Phone just in case anything goes wrong and do so before you make any changes until you are comfortable playing round with your phones contents.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
            Have you?

            Did it go well?

            Did it "brick" ?

            I have spent all afternoon ploughing through unintelligible techie jargon, trying to un-jam my phone, which is not accepting texts or apps, because the "internal memory is full". Except it isn't: there's hardly anything on it, no stored texts, only a dozen apps, no games, no videos, no nuffin.

            I am very, very narked.
            Quickest way to sort this problem is if you have a SD card installed go to settings and Application management and look through each app and see if you can move to SD if so do that and it should free some internal memory (a lot of phones come with a pathetic amount of internal memory which is almost filled by the OS and the bloatware that network providers put on them).


            • #21
              Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View Post
              info here also
              Yep, I've found all the info. What I was after was personal recommendation (or not) from someone I know

              Originally posted by RedThorn View Post
              Try flash upgrading your firmware
              Nope, you lost me after "try"

              Originally posted by green thing View Post
              He recommended deleting search history and cookies and something else ?every few weeks
              Yes, I do that

              Originally posted by green thing View Post
              every time you get a app that stop working
              That's never happened

              Originally posted by green thing View Post
              Apps like faceacke will also cause your phone to play up if you don't upgrade regularly
              I don't use FB on the phone

              Originally posted by green thing View Post
              Try removing the last app you installed?
              I've removed lots of apps, most of them. I only have about a dozen now, all of them essential

              Originally posted by green thing View Post
              Also had a problem with the pre installed FM radio app ...Installed a free one from the app store and it works great.
              Ah, now that's interesting. My stock radio cuts out all the time, like if I walk under a tree or something, very annoying. I listen a lot.

              Originally posted by green thing View Post
              People in the shop will just want to sell/give you a new one
              That's why I'm looking online for answers. My last phone stopped working, the shop people had no clue what to do, they just gave me a new phone. I found the answer on forums: my problem is mainly not understand the jargon

              Originally posted by green thing View Post
              You could also try putting it in a pot fill with soil then watering it
              Yes, thought about that

              Originally posted by Buleste View Post
              I rooted my Android phone ...This allows you to install any programme onto your SD card, Backup your ROM (so you can restore it should anything go wrong), speed up your SD card, and much, much, more.
              At last, someone sensible
              Thanks, that's what I need to know

              Originally posted by Buleste View Post
              With these 3 apps you can clear your internal memory and uninstall some of the bloatware that the networks put on your phone which is not necessary
              Not necessary, unwanted, and uses up all the darn memory so that I can't use the apps that I need to use. Most people would just upgrade to a bigger phone, but I can't afford the extra ����

              That's exactly what I need, thank you

              Originally posted by Buleste View Post
              However ... first and backup your Phone
              I've copied all my photos from the SD card to my computer, and I've synced my calendar to the computer.

              I don't know how to move my contacts list though, or Apps that are on the phone memory? I managed to export my contacts to the SD card (which didn't free ANY memory!), and then I put the SD card into the computer, but couldn't see my contacts list ... nothing, just music files.

              Originally posted by Buleste View Post
              Quickest way... look through each app and see if you can move to SD
              I did that already: hardly anything will move to SD, certainly not enough to make any difference at all.

              Yesterday I managed to clear 25MB of internal memory: this morning I got that bladdy "internal memory is full" message again.
              I could chuck it, I really could.

              Thanks for your help, everyone
              Last edited by Two_Sheds; 12-03-2013, 12:31 PM.
              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


              • #22
                Is it just me or is 99% of this not in English? It annoys me so much that to do something that is probably quite simple involves you having to spend hours learning a new language, why can't it be more intuitive? Sorry no help to the original query, I didn't even understand the question but am aware that I can't upload anymore apps to my phone (and I don't have many as most of the "brilliant apps" that I get told about look pretty pointless to me.

                Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Alison View Post
                  Is it just me or is 99% of this not in English?
                  I guess that's what phone people think when they read a gardening forum! I'm with you, I do not understand the language/jargon used: it's deliberate, so you don't know what you're doing, and are more willing to part with your cash to get someone else to fix it.
                  All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Alison View Post
                    I can't upload anymore apps to my phone (and I don't have many as most of the "brilliant apps" that I get told about look pretty pointless to me.
                    I can't even receive texts any more, Alison. My phone memory is "full".

                    Annoyingly, the SD card is empty, but everything on the phone has to be stored on the phone memory, not the card. Unless I can root the phone, which will solve all my problems, and world hunger hopefully
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                      .....and world hunger hopefully
                      Now that would be impressive

                      Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                      Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Glutton4... View Post
                        I have a chum with a Sammy Galaxy
                        Yeah, that's it. Samsung Galaxy Ace s5830. I read the blurb when I bought it: "The Galaxy Ace comes with a 150MB internal memory for storing information, downloads and files. This can be boosted by MicroSD memory cards", which is a lie, because the apps cannot be saved to memory card.


                        from a forum: the "phone comes with Google Maps, GMail, Play and several other apps.... When you update these apps, the original remains on your system and the app is installed again on your internal memory, thus occupying more space because it is there twice"

                        helpful, that
                        Last edited by Two_Sheds; 12-03-2013, 12:01 PM.
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                        • #27
                          How to Root the Samsung Galaxy Ace (S5830) - TheUnlockr

                          I'm assuming you looked at this webpage?
                          Looks straight forward

                          I. Before You Begin

                          1. Back up everything you feel is important.

                          2. Make sure you have your device charged to 75% or more before you begin.

                          II. Necessary Downloads

                          III. Rooting the Galaxy Ace

                          1. Connect your device to your PC in USB Mass Storage Mode and copy the to your SD card.

                          2. Disconnect your device and shut it down.

                          3. Press and hold the Home button + Power button and let them once your device boots into recovery mode.

                          4. Use the Volume Up and Down keys to highlight to apply update from sdcard and press the home button to select it.

                          5. Locate and select to flash the file.

                          6. Once you see the install from sdcard complete message, highlight and select reboot system now.

                          Your Galaxy Ace should be rooted once it reboots!
                          Last edited by cardiffsteve; 12-03-2013, 12:28 PM.


                          • #28
                            Steve, I'm stuck at "back up".

                            I can't work out how to save my contacts list to my computer.

                            After that, (and I may have to type 70 contacts in by hand) I'll be using this one:
                            Last edited by Two_Sheds; 12-03-2013, 12:42 PM.
                            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                            • #29
                              how do I copy contacts on my Samsung?

                              copy contacts from SIM to Phone

                              from the homescreen tap Applications

                              tap Contacts

                              press the Menu key

                              tap Import/Export

                              select import from SIM

                              press the Menu key

                              tap Import all

                              copy contacts from Phone to SIM

                              from the homescreen tap Applications

                              tap Contacts

                              press the Menu key

                              tap Import/Export

                              select export to SIM card

                              press the Menu key

                              tap Import all
                              Last edited by cardiffsteve; 12-03-2013, 12:50 PM.


                              • #30
                                Once they're on Sim should be safe when you root phone.


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