Last night some youths set fire to our hedge. It's a 7 ft conifer hedge which divides us from what is considered woodland (not that many trees for a wood
) )We were in the livingroom witht the curtains drawn and knew nothing of it till we herd the fire engines. The flames were aparently quite high and lots of smoke. Luckily the fire brigade got there before it spread very far and there are about 4 mature trees which are blackened skeletons of their former self. The trees run the full length of the house and garden so we were VERY lucky that someone saw them throw whatever it was as another 2 ft and the gate would have gone up and just behind there is the rabbit hutch and then the chuck coop. The gate is also attached to the garage which is attached to the house
Will need to chop these down but the trunks are very thick and don't see how we will get the roots out. Am fed up as it's just mindless destruction and could have potentially caused a catastrophe.
Not sure whether to go ahead with the front garden potager now. Maybe just making myself a target for theft and destruction.

Will need to chop these down but the trunks are very thick and don't see how we will get the roots out. Am fed up as it's just mindless destruction and could have potentially caused a catastrophe.
Not sure whether to go ahead with the front garden potager now. Maybe just making myself a target for theft and destruction.