We're probably not as green as we could be, but do our best under restrictions. My heating is on a thermostat and goes off under 16oC, any colder and i seize up! We have a drier, which we use whenever I can't manage heavy baskets - the washing comes out & goes straight into drier right next to it, then comes out and gets folded into basket one thing at a time, OH takes them upstairs when home. To make up for it, we've signed up for 'green' electricity. We also have 2 cars, OH has company car which he couldn't do his job without, and mine is essential as public transport is very hit & miss round here and some days I can't even get to bottom of drive, never mind to the shops without it! Hopefully, these days will continue to get fewer and I won't need the car so much.
On the good side; We have energy saving bulbs in every room, insulation in the loft, and our landlord is putting double-glazing in last few windows this spring. We compost/recycle as much as poss and freecycle big stuff. And obviously, trying to Grow Our Own will reduce air-miles etc. Most importantly, we're raising our kids aware of the issues and what they can/should do about it.
On the good side; We have energy saving bulbs in every room, insulation in the loft, and our landlord is putting double-glazing in last few windows this spring. We compost/recycle as much as poss and freecycle big stuff. And obviously, trying to Grow Our Own will reduce air-miles etc. Most importantly, we're raising our kids aware of the issues and what they can/should do about it.