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urgent found egg


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  • thinking about
    babby bear pumpkins
    carnival squash
    spring onions
    brassicars a few
    thats all
    so its not a lot realy
    ducks away from the pea stick
    Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


    • That bit sounds okay Dobby but how big are the pots you are going to sow into?
      Happy Gardening,


      • only small square ones you can get 15 in a normal gravel tray wont be using the big trays i got from work honest
        Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


        • Mrs D will be after us all with the pea stick if we let you lug big pots full of compost around dobby - be patient!!
          Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


          • The pots sound an okay size but who is lugging the compost for you to fill them?
            Happy Gardening,


            • theres 2 bags that are nearly empty so it should be ok and there in the kitchen
              Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


              • Hmm. Take it easy is all - worse by far than the pea-stick would be another hospital visit!

                Mrs Dobby - we have done our best to keep him away from gardening but I suspect you already knew it would be darned near impossible!!
                Happy Gardening,


                • Take it easy Dobby, Peter & Paul hope you're all fit & well again soon (good luck for June Peter).No heavy lifting, digging or weeding Mr.D. or you'll be back in hospital again.
                  Mrs. D. perhaps you should take Peter up on his offer of the chains & padlocks but use them to tie Dobby to the bed instead - he might like that!
                  Into every life a little rain must fall.


                  • Originally posted by Dobby View Post
                    she is at work

                    Aaahhh, but do you really know where she hid the web-cam?
                    Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
                    Visit my blog at - Updated 18th October 2009
                    I support


                    • SueA, thanks for the thought.
                      I did nearly faint, bloody quack and dispenser combined to give me 1mg Valium, didn't even touch me. Had all the normal checks, then the Elective Surgery Unit sent me off ot the proper blood test area, as I'd told them my problems and their office was small and only had one nurse available.
                      I was fine, anxious, but fine until the needle was inserted, managed to cope while it was in, but could feel my stomach dropping afterwards and had to ask to lie down and have a bowl. Theyd put my feet up on a chair before starting, but I had to stagger between cubicles to get to the "dentists" chair they had where I was promptly put feet higher than head and everything was OK after about ten minutes.

                      When being operated on my anesthetic conversation goes along these lines.
                      "Right we'll just pop this in the back of your hand." Nurse waving stainless steel sewage pipe.
                      "Will it still be there when i come round?"
                      "yes of course it will." <unspoken but implied by look> you stupid man.
                      "Oh <deleted by LJ>!" and out like a light.
                      Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
                      Visit my blog at - Updated 18th October 2009
                      I support


                      • glad your all ok, been thinking of you. dobby i know where you live so dont step out of line, suzanne will tell me.
                        Yo an' Bob
                        Walk lightly on the earth
                        take only what you need
                        give all you can
                        and your produce will be bountifull


                        • Glad your ok peter
                          when they put the needle in the back of my hand I looked at it and siad
                          ITS PINK!
                          they all laughed think they was 3 or 4 in the room with me
                          he siad next time ill use the orange one its twice as big
                          i siad no its ok

                          Yo I am behaving honest did not get to do any planting yesterday someone called round
                          Wonder if Mrs D had anything to do with it
                          Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


                          • Originally posted by TEB View Post
                            I am not disputing the letter for one moment but how do the commercial or estates that rear birds for shooting cope or is it done automatically. Visions of hairy arsed game keepers flapping their arms in a training class of partridge.
                            I have been following this discussion with great interest(feel a bit like an eavesdropper).
                            The thousands of pheasants etc.hatched dont actually need anyone to feed them or teach them how to eat.They can all peck for themselves from day one.
                            I once hatched out a goose(Many years ago)in the slow oven of the Rayburn.It hatched succesfully and was immeadiately taken over by a very maternal terrier bitch who even produced milk!!No good to the gosling obviously,but the bitch kept it warm and comforted.We called the gosling "Mowgli"---abandonded by its mother,suckled by a she-wolf??!!----though it did in fact turn out to be female.
                            The nub of this tale is she did indeed become imprinted and was eventually a pain in the proverbial.I couldnt move without her,she saw all the other geese away and cr++++d all over the house.
                            Did we have her for dinner? No of course not.I gave her to a friend for a few months and she came back a goose and lived a long and happy life.
                            I dont know wether giving a baby songbird to someone else would have the same effect though.
                            A star in anyones crown though for trying,


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