I would have put up a reverse v sign to indicate 2 minutes and I;'ll be done and if that provoked an adverse reaction, the reversed v sign would have been reversed.
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Incredulous.......this takes the biscuit.....
Bad temper cascades.
If you had moved the trolley she would have been pleased and happier and a lot nicer to the next person she met, probably the checkout girl in this instance.
As it is, she was probably unpleasant to her, which put the C.O. girl in a bad mood, so she'd be less helpful to the next customers, who would become grumpy, and so it snowballs.
The way I deal with rudeness like that is to imagine that the other person is on their way to rushing to the bedside of a sick child/partner/parent. That way when a car overtakes stupidly, or swerves in front of me, or forces into the queue, I yield gracefully. I stay calm, and they don't get more impatient and hopefully are more thoughtful next time.Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
Endless wonder.
I would have just moved the trolley. We were in a similar sort of situation inside the supermarket a while ago, but it was a person in an invalid carriage trying to get passed. The aisle was narrow and there were goods trolleys left there too.
However, she was being fairly rude so our solution to that was to move but, being that my cripple was propping himself up on our trolley, we could only move very slowly. She got quite irate, tooting the wee horn, but I just smiled and explained that the BH didn't have an invalid carriage yet but that he was getting closer to that happening as walking is excruciating. I thought she might've understood that but she still tooted and glared. I actually wanted to point out Hey lady! you're not the only disabled person in the shop! but I could see it wouldn't have had any effect.
A couple of aisles later she had the cheek to ask the BH to reach cat treats down from the top shelf for her - I couldn't reach them either - and she was quite affronted when he gently explained that he can't do things like that. I did fetch an assistant to help her though. Because I'm nice and one day that might be me!Jules
Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?
♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥
Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)
Sounds a bit like 'Pay it Forward' a great way to live your life if you can control your emotions in difficult situationsEndeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary
Nutter by Nature
That happened to me once while in a 'sloping' car park on Wales while trying to re-arrange my boot to get all the shopping in. Trolley full and twin babies safely strapped in. I heard some one beeping as I looked she pointed to my trolley, that was slowly rolling down the car park, complete with shopping and babies!!!! Thankfully someone got to it before anything nasty happened. I didn't know trolleys had brakes
Originally posted by Nicos View PostI'm hoping to see a copy of that film soon Sheneval!
It's a great idea and makes for a feel good movie - I won't tell you how it ends as it would spoil it for you.
Over many years I have found that doing the odd service for someone tends to influence their response and sometimes colour their views on how to treat others, although I have found offering assistance without any wish for a return sometimes meets with suspicion and amazement'
The allotment site I am on has at least 11 plot holders happy to share part of their crop in a friendly neighbourly act and I am sure there will be others - my own contribution so far has been to offer straw for use on strawberries but am hopeful that I will have a surplus of at least garlic and onions this year and possible other items - fingers crossed
You could double that number for those willing to give free advice but, just like on this site, there are different and strong opinions on how things should be done - eg; the use of plastic, whilst not banned is frowned upon, as the mice tend to overwinter under same and come out in the spring to destroy the crops - there was a plague of mice in previous years and a number of us have caught this year to date 16, 12, 8, 6,6, 4,2 - nothing for this last week or two but we know they are out there in their 'millions'Some prefer Roundup.
Last edited by Sheneval; 13-05-2013, 06:21 PM.Endeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary
Nutter by Nature
Originally posted by Sheneval View PostOver many years I have found that doing the odd service for someone tends to influence their response and sometimes colour their views on how to treat others, although I have found offering assistance without any wish for a return sometimes meets with suspicion and amazement'
One day a lady came in. Possibly the poshest person I've ever seen in a Mcds. She wanted her kids to have non-fizzy drinks, no ketchup on the burgers and only lettuce on hers .. basically the biggest pita order you could have imagined. Anyway I took a guess that she was only there under extreme begging from her kids and wasn't at all happy. She didn't want them to have fries and made a comment about how they were too salty. So I offered to do her some without salt on. Not something we normally ever offered as the things are only edible with salt. But anyway. She smiled - and said yes without salt would be tremendous. So I finished taking her order, and went and spent a couple of minutes cooking fresh fries and cleaning down the fry area so she could have unsalted fries.
The beaming faces on her kids when she said they could have fries was worth the tiny bit of effort.
She got her entire order timed to perfection too and I had a leisurely time sorting out the fry area.
Everyone is grumpy sometimes and sometimes it's best not knowing why. But sometimes making a bit of an effort to go along with them can make all the difference to their day.
But I'd still have waved at the woman in car beeping.
As Mothhawk said, Bad temper cascades and as Shen is saying - Kindness spreads.
What is the point in getting irate about a trivial incident, especially when you dwell on it for the rest of the day? Smile and move on!!
Dare I say it - ............ if you reverse into a parking space at the supermarket, you can load up your car in safety as you're not blocking traffic with a trolley.
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