There was a time when gardening with beds either raised or not was looked upon as new fangled and the oldies said it will never catch on.
I recently got an allotment book for my birthday which is published by Dorling Kindersley the encyclopedia people.
Its a really good book and guess what, its totally devoted to gardening in beds with no mention of traditional methods of growing on the flat.
I realise there is no right or wrong way to plant up your allotment but I would have thought that traditional methods would have got a mention.

I envisage allotment holders in the future all congregating around an allotmnet which is planted on the flat, shaking there heads and saying "It'll never catch on"

I realise there is no right or wrong way to plant up your allotment but I would have thought that traditional methods would have got a mention.

I envisage allotment holders in the future all congregating around an allotmnet which is planted on the flat, shaking there heads and saying "It'll never catch on"
