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  • #16
    You are a lovely couple. It's appalling that anyone is in those circumstances but immediate help - as you gave and are giving - I'm sure means a lot more to that chap than just railing against the system.

    Hopefully it won't be needed now you may have something sorted for him but re tact/embarrassment issues, I have seen the volunteers at my local community centre asking people if they wouldn't mind taking a few tins or fresh bits home as they don't have room/it'll go off/we just have too much of it. I suspect everyone knows it's a lie but it saves face for people who don't want to admit they're really struggling.
    I was feeling part of the scenery
    I walked right out of the machinery
    My heart going boom boom boom
    "Hey" he said "Grab your things
    I've come to take you home."


    • #17
      Originally posted by FROSTYFRECKLE View Post
      I attended a talk on Food Banks recently, that same week 5 new Food Banks opened in Scotland. It is a sad state of affairs we need Food Banks but we do need them.

      Kitty, you did good and you have a kind heart.
      KCN - well done you for stepping in and helping out.

      It's such a shame that so many people nowadays are unable to afford food. My church in Newport South Wales has just started up a Food Bank and it's scary to see how many people are being referred to us by Social Services.
      I know that there are lots of churches round the country who are helping the local communities out nowadays by handing out food to the needy (which is as it should be I feel) but they are also heavily relying on the generosity of the general public in donating food.

      Seems as if the government are quite happy for the public to stretch themselves to dig into their pockets to feed these people - it means they don't have to pay out so much money. Very sad. It's just going to get worse I reckon.

      Glad to hear there are lots of caring people around though - who could let a family (or the man in this case) go hungry if they could do something about it?

      Well done again to our big hearted KCN and others like her!
      Forbidden Fruits make many Jams.


      • #18
        Thanks for all your kind replies folks There are two girls on shift tomorrow that are so lovely and like to look after him too (17 & 18 yr old). I have asked them to check with him if he comes in, which is likely it being Saturday. They have the instruction to use the tenner in tips I have in my tin to give him something to eat. They will also ask if he needs the help we can get for him till on his feet (so to speak ) an ongoing joke between us is "where would you like to sit" "I am already sitting" followed by him laughing at me and me telling him to "shut it you".
        When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it.
        If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant.


        • #19
          Bless your compassion KCN, your kindness stands you out from the crowd!

          Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
          Endless wonder.


          • #20
            Ha! That reminds me of a wheelchair-bound Lady I used to know. I'd say to her, in a crowded place; "It's OK for you, you've already got a ruddy seat!" It always made her smile the biggest beaming smile!
            All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
            Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


            • #21
              If he has got a problem with his benefits you should try getting him to contact someone like age uk, they will help sort things out. It sounds like his benefits may have been suspended because he was in hospital and may simply be the case of letting the DWP know that he has left hospital.


              • #22
                Good on you KCN. Too often it's after the person has left that you think what you could have done. I'm guessing he felt safe coming to all of you at the shop. Glad he got something to take home, and some help to sort out the benefits.
                I know here there are rules about being away from home for a certain amount of days, and benefits. The social worker and discharge planner's jobs are to see that things are back in place when they go home tho. Bet you'll get another box of chocs when his benefits are reinstated too - because then he will feel like he's done something in return

                Very nice when people just want to help, and great to hear the younger ones take an interest in him too.

                My blog:

                Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

                One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

                Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


                • #23
                  The two young uns are really nice girls and will do their best for him. They might be young, but they are both smart and capable young ladies.
                  Quanti canicula ille in fenestra ?


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