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Ne'er cast a clout.........


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  • #31
    Oh yes nearly forgot, well did forget to add ) heating still on and leccy blanket still on the bed!


    • #32
      we got the hawthorn out in full bloom down the lottie,it dontaf stink,it gets me nostrils,same as privet flowers,plus,you name it,if its fine stuff,i get it,
      sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


      • #33
        I check our Hawthorn in the garden every morning but its still in tight bud, really starting to wish I'd never taken the electric blanket of the bed.
        Location....East Midlands.


        • #34
          Mine's still in tight bud too, Bren. The good news is.........the leccie blanket is still on the bed - and I use it Forgot to turn it off the other night and woke about 2 sweating like a pig


          • #35
            The uncut hedgerows are in full blossom around me, but the cut ones are still green.
            Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
            Endless wonder.


            • #36
              Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
              Mine's still in tight bud too, Bren. The good news is.........the leccie blanket is still on the bed - and I use it Forgot to turn it off the other night and woke about 2 sweating like a pig
              VC - Pigs don't sweat much, so they wallow in the mud to cool off their bodies.

              The term "sweating like a pig" is actually a reference to pig iron, which is form of iron smelting:

              When pig iron is created from iron ore, the smelter needs to heat the ore to extreme temperatures, and then move the liquid metal into the mould. Until the liquid cools, it cannot be safely moved, as the extremely hot metal is liable to spill, burning whatever it comes in contact with.

              The smelter knows when the metal is cool enough to transport when the "pigs" "sweat." As the metal cools, the air around it reaches the dew point, causing droplets to form on the metal's surface.

              No need to thank me for this enlightenment - you could have goggled it yourself
              Endeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary

              Nutter by Nature


              • #37
                Thank you Shen for correcting me - I was sweating like a lump of pig iron
                I've seen the moulds where the molten iron was poured to cool, and they look like a row of little piglets, lined up, waiting to suckle on their mother pig


                • #38
                  I read about it when I was reading Alexander Cordell - great author - I have a number of his books including the trilogy starting with 'Rape of the Fair Country' - You've put me in the mood for reading them again - thanks.
                  Endeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary

                  Nutter by Nature


                  • #39
                    I was up in Cordell Country on Monday! Blaenafon Ironworks is where the Pigs are IIRC


                    • #40
                      Hawthorn is in blossom at the lottie. So are the apple and cherry trees. My little cherry stick in the garden (can it be a tree when it has no branches?) has flowered and set fruit!


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                        I was up in Cordell Country on Monday! Blaenafon Ironworks is where the Pigs are IIRC
                        I toured a little bit of Wales many years ago during a holiday which covered Devon and Cornwall.

                        Remember driving above valleys which seemed to be covered in mine workings with rail shunting sidings everywhere - looked like a scene from 100 years before - wonderful to see but expect it will be all gone now

                        My brother was a great fan of Michael Foot so I went to Ebbw Vale and there was a local rag shop/office with his photo in the window so I popped in and asked if I could buy it - when they heard the reason they gave me it for nothing
                        Endeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary

                        Nutter by Nature


                        • #42
                          Most of the mine workings have been cleared but some have been preserved as Heritage sites. Big Pit Big Pit: National Coal Museum | National Museum Wales is good as you put on miners helmets and go down the lift shaft into the workings. All very sanitised now of course but still an experience!
                          If you come back down this way, give me a shout and I'll show you round


                          • #43
                            Back to May blossom
                            the lovely double red/pink one is flowering a few gardens down the terrace
                            Hasn't made any change to the weather though - still need all my clouts on today (or else turn the heating back on again )


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                              Most of the mine workings have been cleared but some have been preserved as Heritage sites. Big Pit Big Pit: National Coal Museum | National Museum Wales is good as you put on miners helmets and go down the lift shaft into the workings. All very sanitised now of course but still an experience!
                              If you come back down this way, give me a shout and I'll show you round
                              Took the grandkids to a clay mine in Bo'ness a couple of years back - they had one room where they turned out the lights and left everyone in the dark - the kids were fine but some of the adults were climbing the walls

                              However, not too far underground - eldest grandson made a great school project out of it.

                              Kind of you to make the offer - I was in Cardiff some years back whilst arranging a contract with BT to provide a telephone enquiry bureau and had a brief visit to Rhyl during a week's holiday in Llandudno a few years back, but that is the extent of my visits to Wales. My sister in law had been in Rhyl many years before and could not believe how it had changed.

                              I have a cousin who married a Welsh guy living somewhere in Wales but I haven't a clue as to her whereabouts.
                              Last edited by Sheneval; 30-05-2013, 06:16 PM.
                              Endeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary

                              Nutter by Nature


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Sheneval View Post
                                I have a cousin who married a Welsh guy living somewhere in Wales but I haven't a clue as to her whereabouts.
                                That's like me saying that my Father in law was a Scot - perhaps you knew him
                                I have some good news - yesterday I was able to divest myself of a clout or two and even more clouts can be cast aside today, for May is out and June is busting out allover


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