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hate cyclists? sign the petition


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  • hate cyclists? sign the petition

    If you hate sharing the road with cyclists, and you think they should all be "on the cycle lane" ... sign the petition, and we might actually get a few more cycle lanes built.

    As it is, only 2% of the traffic budget is spent on cycling, even though cyclists pay into the pot through income tax

    (btw, there is no such thing as Road Tax).

    Promote cycling by implementing the recommendations in the 'Get Britain Cycling' report. - e-petitions

    If, like me, you face daily aggression from drivers who resent sharing the road with you, sign the petition.
    If you'd like the roads to be safe enough for your children to bike to school, sign the petition.

    If it gets 100,000 signatures, then the issue (of improved cycling facilities) will be considered for debate by the Backbench Business Committee.

    Mods, please close this thread so that abusive, unhelpful comments can't be posted. Thank you.
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.

  • #2
    My first thoughts, were this doesn't sound like you TS.

    I have duly signed, it frustrates me that you can cycle from a mile out to within 100 yards of my daughters school safely, but not the last 100 metres.

    Plus there are some really good sustrans in our area, and they are looking to extend them further, but I've been knocked off my bike several times by drivers who don't give you enough room.
    I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


    • #3
      Duly signed.

      Would seem to me to be a very sensible option to try and separate the motor vehicle and cycle, it would benifit both.

      Back in the 50s there were lots of bikes but very few cars.

      Later not only did everyone want a car they could afford one, so more cars but fewer bikes. Now more and more people want to cycle both for heath and enviromental reasons. But the roads are already occupied by millions of cars.

      This and todays attitude of gimme, gimme leads to a very dangerous enviroment for the cyclist.

      Last time I cycled was at Centre Parcs, but even I can see the sense in this one.

      Potty by name Potty by nature.

      By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

      We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

      Aesop 620BC-560BC



      • #4
        Signed! Message too short


        • #5
          The idea is fine, the implimentation is another aspect. I used to cycle a lot, went everywhere on a bicycle for many years. Also worked in Holland for a few years so very used to cycling.

          First will it be COMPULSARY for cyclists to use the cycle lanes ?
          In Germany and Holland where a cycle lane is provided it is illegal for a cyclist not to use it.
          Nearly killed a cyclist in Stevenage once who was on a dual carriageway at a roundabout at night with no lights. Stevenage has an extensive network of excellent cycleways. Each the width of a road, completely seperate to the main roads. He couldn't be bothered to use them as he couldn't race as fast as he wanted. No lights and 8:00pm on a September night didn't seem to come into it.

          A cyclist about a week ago swerved to miss a pot hole, I had to swerve to miss them. Sounds like something that could occur, but why was the cyclist not on the well maintained cycle lane that was running along side and seperate to the busy road?

          2 days ago a cyclist decided that 2 sets of red traffic lights were irrelevant to him and since he ignored them and once past the Stop markings he couldn't see that the row of cars I was in had a green light to go. He literally appeared from the left in front of the cars just after they had been indicated they could go.

          Lost count of the cyclists turning on to a pedestrian crossing and using them. Pedestrian is not a person on a 2 wheeled vehical.

          I do find it difficult as I enjoy cycling, but a lot seem to assume they are not a vehical when it suits them - traffic lights and on pathments etc, but are a vehical when it does suit them ignore the traffic light, turn left and yell at a pedestrian who is crossing in accordance with the signals.

          Equally there is a road marked with cycles lanes in Hitchin, little use as all the cars park in it, no one has ever done anything about it over several years. It really has been adopted as a parking area to keep cars off the road more.

          Here is a good example: Back in '89 I worked in Cambridge, someone put up a petition to the council to ban cyclists in the centre of town. Many thought it was a joke, but had to go ahead and ask - expecting people to say they were part of the character of the city and had to be kept. Over 85% voted to ban them. They were absolutly fed up of the attitude taken by the cyclists that they had the right to do in effect whatever they wanted. It came as a surprise at the level of feeling against them.


          • #6
            Signed. There are, in my opinion, far too few cycle lanes and this matter does need addressing.

            Now we just need to educate the many cyclists that choose to ride in the main carriageway, where a perfectly unobstructed cycle lane exists...and ban lycra and wrap-around sunglasses
            Tried and Tested...but the results are inconclusive


            Honorary member of the nutters club, by appointment of VeggieChicken


            • #7
              Closed as requested


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