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Clocks forward


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  • Clocks forward

    tonight 1 hour - I'd forgotten, gosh its late now too!!!
    To see a world in a grain of sand
    And a heaven in a wild flower

  • #2
    Day light saving time..yippee... more light at night in the greenhouse.


    • #3
      er I don't think it will save that much Jax - 02:41 am!! The insides of my eyelids are definately dark then
      Never be afraid to try something new.
      Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
      A large group of professionals built the Titanic


      • #4
        Nick, little known fact. I am registered disabled and take a whole shed load of pills. Unfortunately they all have wonderful interactions so some days I sleep the night away and other days I'm like a night owl. This is the main reason for building high raised beds that I can sit on and having a Greenhouse so I can garden at odd hours with the light on and the fan heater going. Life is what you make of it.


        • #5
          Good on ya Jax. I wish I had a light in my greenhouse, but then my wife would never see me (still it's an ill wind.... etc as she always says ) My sister has MS so she can't get around like she used to so I'm safe to take the mickey as she can't catch me any more but she is just the same as you (not welsh obviously well actually she's canadian but thats another story) she never lets it get her down & has a lovely garden, put s mine to shame really.
          Never be afraid to try something new.
          Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
          A large group of professionals built the Titanic


          • #6
            There is always someone worse off than yourself. I am very lucky to be able to do so much. Most days I am fine and everything is fantastic. When I am in bed though it gives me ample time to read my gardening books.


            • #7
              You kept that little know fact very quiet Jaxom. As you say life is what you make of it. This will be your first full year growing vegetables (right?) so you have got all those tasty vegetables to look forward. I can't wait for the courgettes. I was tempted yesterday to buy some but they were �1.99 for 3 baby ones. Courgette frittata - lovely!


              • #8
                First year growing vegetables but flowers have been going strong in the garden for years. I plant bulbs, tubers and perennials mostly. The idea is to get a garden with all year round flowers that need little if no care or maintenance. The lawns are sown with slow growing lawn seed so cutting is reduced during the height of the season. This year the largest lawn in the back garden was turned into a greenhouse which is 6' x 8' but is built on a slab of concrete that is 9' x 10' with a drainage channel to allow water to run out the back brick wall. Then alongside the greenhouse is a raised bed that is 4' deep but only 20" high walls all round above ground level. The walls are 9" wide so I can sit on them. The only problem is I lost the battle for them to be 4' wide and they are 5' wide. The bed is 9' long with permanent wooden rails a little like goal posts, at the north side that will take 6' supports for beans and other climbers with out casting a shadow on the other crops. As I will find reaching the centre row a little difficult this is where I have sown my onions which will need little in the way of attention apart from a little light hoeing. The bed is set out in the square foot method and that means all I have to do is complete one section at a time. One-foot square is no problem and as it is permanently marked out in a grid system knowing where I finished and need top start the next day is all rather easy.
                The house is disabled adapted but some of our neighbours question why we have such a house as our gardens put theirs to shame. Once a woman was really rude and questioned me about it.
                I told her to come back when she had a medical degree and an MRI scanner, but until then Bu**er off.


                • #9
                  Back to the original subject did everyone remember to put his or her clocks forward? I just put the bedside clock forward last night, as there are so many clocks to change these days. I seems as though each new electrical item we buy carries a clock. There are seventeen clocks that all have to be altered and that is without changing my watch.
                  I was listening to the argument in favour of keeping daylight saving time all through the year and was expecting to hear all the old arguments for and against. What really surprised me though is that what they actually want to do is have daylight saving time during the winter and then put the clocks forward an hour in spring as well.
                  This would mean that when GMT says it is 01.00 am in winter our clocks will read 02.00 am. Then during summer when GMT says it is 01.00 am our clocks will read 03.00 am.
                  The panellist said that 86% of all road accidents that involve children take place in the evening rush hour, so the old argument about children going to school in the dark is an old chestnut that in fact prevents us from stopping more children being hurt.


                  • #10
                    Good one Jax, I don't think I would have been that polite I may be good looking, charming, witty, modest etc but tactfull I ain't

                    Sounds great, you'll have to post some piccies when it is in full productions
                    Never be afraid to try something new.
                    Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                    A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                    • #11
                      I hate the clocks altering. I can never work out what the time is for about a week after they change. I can remember when I was a child they did an experiment and didn't do the GMT/British Summertime. I don't know what it was exactly that happened but it was pitch black in the mornings.


                      • #12
                        I don't know why we still do in this day and age, the argument that it helps dairy farmers doesn't sway me anymore and just buggers me up.

                        They don't want you to have that extra sun in the evening and be out in the garden until 11 - they fear the gardeners.

                        The government know they are screwed when we start hanging out in gangs on street corners swapping seeds and tips.

                        Got any cosmos mate? Any kohl rabi? Come on, you know you want a bit of sweetcorn...
                        Last edited by Lesley Jay; 06-04-2006, 12:21 PM.
                        Best wishes
                        Harbinger of Rhubarb tales


                        • #13
                          I see

                          Originally posted by andrewo
                          Got any cosmos mate? Any kohl rabi? Come on, you know you want a bit of sweetcorn...
                          Oh so its you....


                          • #14
                   want a bit of courgette, sauted or marinated....?
                            Best wishes
                            Harbinger of Rhubarb tales


                            • #15

                              Originally posted by andrewo
                     want a bit of courgette, sauted or marinated....?
                              I prefer mine shredded and sauteed in a little butter and black pepper

                              yum yum yum


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