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  • fox

    went to my allotment plot this evening and what a shock some wicked people or person had caught a baby fox and when i say baby it could only have been a couple of months old and using fencing wire had wrapped it round it's neck then tied it to the fence behind my plot with the same wire
    fortunantly i spotted the poor thing when i heard it's cry and me and another plotholder managed to cut it free it brought a tear to my eyes when it ran off hopefully to find it's parent what a wicked way to treat a wild animal
    Last edited by cheshire61; 15-05-2007, 07:09 PM.

  • #2
    If i was in charge - birching would be the least of it


    • #3
      Thats horrible. I know foxes are considered vermin in some areas, but doing thats just plain nasty.
      Kirsty b xx


      • #4
        nasty people, to hurt them like that is worse than the animals themselves.
        Yo an' Bob
        Walk lightly on the earth
        take only what you need
        give all you can
        and your produce will be bountifull


        • #5
          whatgoesaround comes around they will pay!
          Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


          • #6
            Originally posted by yoanbob View Post
            nasty people, to hurt them like that is worse than the animals themselves.
            Not ever heard of an animal tying a person up with wire. I get quite upset when I hear folks speaking of criminals and saying they acted like animals - never heard of animals doing the malicious things us humans get up to.
            Happy Gardening,


            • #7
              Horrible , Cheshire. How do some people get to be so ignorant. I know the fox gets a bad press (I think the one who goes through my place does nothing but good - hoovers up the slugs) but if they need to be dealt with that's not the way to do it. Thank you for helping that poor animal.

              From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


              • #8
                Originally posted by cheshire61 View Post
                went to my allotment plot this evening and what a shock some wicked people or person had caught a baby fox and when i say baby it could only have been a couple of months old and using fencing wire had wrapped it round it's neck then tied it to the fence behind my plot with the same wire
                fortunantly i spotted the poor thing when i heard it's cry and me and another plotholder managed to cut it free it brought a tear to my eyes when it ran off hopefully to find it's parent what a wicked way to treat a wild animal

                G e o..


                • #9
                  At risk of being unpopular here....gulp....I agree that these disgusting people should be birched etc ....but I would not have set the vermin lose but brought the episode to a swift conclusion. I am sorry but in six months time it maybe me bemoaning the loss of my chickens etc.

                  Interesting what you say about the slugs tho Alice


                  • #10
                    Regardless of the rights or wrongs of releasing the animal - how could anyone have been so cruel in the first place! What wickedness to an animal that was unable to defend itself.

                    I have to agree Paulottie that foxes are a problem, I am not sure I would have set it free, called the RSPCA perhaps - who I suppose would have set it free.....

                    I do know I could not have killed it, not just because baby foxes look cute and they do! but what right have I to take a life? I know.... I eat meat and I will, if I have to, kill a chicken or catch a fish but that is not the same to me. That is my survival, food. The fox, while he might contest for my hens is not and will never be a food item!

                    An emotive subject and a personal response. Take me to task if you must, but these are my views.
                    The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


                    • #11
                      Hateful, Hateful, Hateful people to do such a thing.
                      I to know foxes are not always welcome- but there is no need for that!
                      I am with you Tpeers and TEB
                      Bring back the birch or the village stocks
                      I am angry..... and very sad to read of this


                      • #12
                        It makes me worry for humanity. I know foxes are a real nusiance, but surely they only take what they need to eat and dont kill needlessly? If you must destroy them to save your chickens and so on then you must, but do it humanely. What right have we to cause suffering to a baby animal. What are we coming to as a race? Sooo sad.
                        Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


                        • #13
                          well moggsue
                          rightly or wrongly this is a dispickable act correct control i'm all for but injuring for injuring sake is very wrong.
                          thou' foxes do often kill unnecessasary item's in there hunt for food
                          cruelty is not an answer
                          this will be a battle from the heart
                          cymru am byth


                          • #14
                            grrrrrrr, i am still angry!


                            • #15
                              Moggssue, unfortunatly foxes will go on a killing frenzy. Should one get into a hen house it will kill all the birds if it can - not to eat, it won't take more than one or two - but just to kill for the sake of it. In this regard they are closest to us humans in their 'barbarity'.

                              This does not excuse what was done to the pup. Just to explain the hatred some people feel - no one likes to be shown up for what they are, after all!
                              The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


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