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Spooky Kitchen Mystery


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  • Spooky Kitchen Mystery

    OK, we give up..... Who stole the Mouse Trap that Trousers 'laced' with a chunk of Cucumber yesterday at 5.30pm ?

    I watched him do it, and he placed the trap on the windowsill behind the kitchen tap - totally visible. And because it wasn't there this morning, Trousers presumed that it had caught it's intended victim, and that I'd disposed of it. Not True.
    Because it wasn't there this morning, Wellie presumed that it had caught it's intended victim, and that Trousers had disposed of it. I have just found that out Not To Be True.

    We have turned the kitchen upside down. No trap and no mouse 'attached' to the trap.

    It is totally against my cat's nature to be remotely interested in a dead mouse full of cucumber, so I'm guessing there will be another answer.

    Short of Holly Cottage Kitchen having developed a Bermuda Triangle overnight, what's your theory?!

  • #2
    Either the mouse trap was triggered by a rat or you're gonna have to interrogate kitty.
    I you'st to have a handle on the world .. but it BROKE!!


    • #3
      A couple of years back, there there was a strange 'jacob marley' dragging sound from our loft. We were spooked, but eventually we investigated, and found a mouse, still very much alive, dragging a mousetrap, which had snapped shut on its tail, around the floorboards which resulted in the eeerie sounds from above.

      Wellie and Trousers, maybe somewhere there is a very sad little mouse which has taken your mousetrap along with it, in the same way...

      By the way, we are stupid, but didn't have the heart to kill the mouse after all it had been through. OH let it go! (it was only ickle)
      All at once I hear your voice
      And time just slips away
      Bonnie Raitt


      • #4
        You're talking about my KITCHEN here! Wellie's Kitchen has a Rat in it?! Shame on you....!

        Same thought crossed our minds... We've searched the kitchen and conservatory, perhaps next on the list is the Sitting Room?


        • #5
          Originally posted by muckdiva View Post
          A couple of years back, there there was a strange 'jacob marley' dragging sound from our loft. We were spooked, but eventually we investigated, and found a mouse, still very much alive, dragging a mousetrap, which had snapped shut on its tail, around the floorboards which resulted in the eeerie sounds from above.

          Wellie and Trousers, maybe somewhere there is a very sad little mouse which has taken your mousetrap along with it, in the same way...

          By the way, we are stupid, but didn't have the heart to kill the mouse after all it had been through. OH let it go! (it was only ickle)
          Ihave been acused of some things but never dragging a trap around by my tail but them days have gone i will leave you with this idea i have a mink trap baited in the garden for catching rats some thing rolled it round the lawn last night a it never went spooky or what JACOB MARLEY
          What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
          Ralph Waide Emmerson


          • #6
            Ok, Sherlock......

            I'd line up the suspects for interrogation as follows:

            Barnaby: Cat's boyfriend - your cat may not be interested in cucumber filled mouse-in-a-trap, but he might be
            BC: Poor suspect in the circs, but still worth shining a light into those big pussy cat eyes
            Trousers: Sorry, matey, but you are my #1 suspect - I think that you are getting Wellie back for hiding the sweeteners........and for her not being snappy enough making the Abbey Crunch biscuits.....

            And finally, missy, why didn't you use a 'live catch' mouse trap? Then you could release the poor 'ickle mousey, waving him off with a tear in your eye full of good wishes.............only to find the same one back again tomorrow night, if it's anything like round here!
            Last edited by Hazel at the Hill; 16-05-2007, 07:26 PM. Reason: typo!


            • #7
              Originally posted by wellie View Post
              You're talking about my KITCHEN here! Wellie's Kitchen has a Rat in it?! Shame on you....!
              How about a rat with a door key???
              I you'st to have a handle on the world .. but it BROKE!!


              • #8
                The tooth fairy.
                A ghost.
                A big spider.
                Little (or big) green alien.
                Mulder and Scully looking for a new series.
                One of the Prison Break escapees.

                There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore and who always will. Don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it in your future.


                • #9
                  Haze.... Red wine sprayed all over my computer screen now! Trousers and Cat 'pinned down' as we speak with Big Torch from Garage. shining in their eyes, and neither confessing...... Laughed and laughed I did. I used to do the humane traps until my chef neglected to check 'corners' and one had clearly suffocated, so never again I'm afraid. (Mouse. Not Chef....)
                  Terrier: Mmmm, Rat with a key? Weak.... and quite frankly, with the suggestion that I'd entertain a rat in my kitchen, you're now off my christmas card list. Although there IS still time for you to 'rescue' this if you feel inclined?!

                  So that leaves Hazel's theory of BC's Boyfriend.... AHA! And actually, Barnaby (who belongs to my lovely neighbour Jan, in the corner, also has Barnaby's MATE, and a sort or Oriental looking mog that live there too....
                  So it's possible that it could have been a 'three-pronged-attack', whilst BC was completely sleep in the 'Little Girls Greenhouse'?

                  Oh, and now I'm swayed because Beefy's suggestions are also completely plausible...... I've not seen my tooth fairy since I was a little girl, but who's to say that BC isn't about to lose a tooth?
                  There's definitely a Ghost here, but it's a really lovely one, and it does have a sense of humour, so that's feasible.....
                  Beefy, when we first came to live here, I was SO tempted to call this place 'Cobweb Cottage', so that's inspired mate! but your next ones don't seem to gel particularly.
                  You are all making me smile big time, so thank you.


                  • #10
                    Daft mouse story.............

                    Many years ago.............

                    While I was a student, living in digs in Brighton, I stayed in a house that was on the edge of woodland (this was before the great storm you understand) Being a rather boring nerd I used to get up early to study before going to lectures (v. boring nerd - I know!) and in order to get the brain cells going I would come down to the kitchen to get a cup of tea.

                    I should just add that my landlady had the most dopey cat going, it hardly stirred and stank to high heaven.

                    On the morning in question I had gone to get my tea and was standing in the kitchen when I heard a noise, a sort of scuttle and scrape, behind me. Being a good little student I ignored it. It came again, it seemed to be coming from near my feet. This didn't seem like your average student joke (it was 6:30am - a bad hour for your average student) so I looked around. Near my feet was the cats bowl and in it.... a field mouse, alive, unharmed, eating the cats food!

                    The cat? Fast asleep 2 yards away on a kitchen chair!

                    The mouse had found a way in on its own - I did 'rescue' it and take it back out to the far side of the wood, I have no idea if this suicidal mouse survived - but it did look odd, sitting in the cats bowl!

                    The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


                    • #11
                      On the windowsill? Window wasn't open by any chance was it?

                      If you look up into the tree and see a magpie sitting with a trap on it's beak..........
                      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                      Diversify & prosper


                      • #12
                        Snadger, that was truly inspired. And not wishing to be too harsh on you here, honey definitely no.....
                        Hazel's is looking favourite, followed by Beefy's....


                        • #13
                          How about a really cluey moose who managed to get the cucumber out without getting caught (we had one of those for a while),
                          slept off the alcohol (did you hear any additional snoring last night?)
                          and then ....... hmmm..........
                          dragged the trap to the middle of your lettuce patch ......... ?

                          and of course he's probably a scottish moose so did a bit of a highland fling in the process!

                          perhaps not!
                          Last edited by JennieAtkinson; 16-05-2007, 10:19 PM.
                          Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
                          ~ Mary Kay Ash


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by wellie View Post
                            .....Hazel is looking favourite, followed by Beefy....
                            Do these two really go all that way for a bit of cuccumber?
                            Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
                            Visit my blog at - Updated 18th October 2009
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                            • #15
                              Originally posted by wellie View Post
                              Snadger, that was truly inspired. And not wishing to be too harsh on you here, honey definitely no.....
                              Hazel's is looking favourite, followed by Beefy's....
                              Deffo trousers then.........

                              PS I didn't realise that mice were partial to cucumber?
                              My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                              to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                              Diversify & prosper


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