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any1 had a paranormal experience?


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  • #16
    any more any 1? love these stories! some gd 1s so far!


    • #17
      Not sure if this qualifies but a friend once persuaded me to try divining. He said most people could do it if they were positive enough about it.

      I said it was hard to be positive because I was so sceptical but had a go anyway. We walked across a field and sure enough the rods crossed so we put a peg in the ground. After about 4 pegs it was clear that they formed a straight line. My friend then got the architects plans out and we found that there was a culvert running exactly on the same line as the pegs.

      I was convinced that I was not doing anything to "help" the rods and I had no idea that there was anything underground in the field.

      "If you think you can, or think you can't, you're right" Henry Ford.


      • #18
        A couple of years ago, O'erindoors went into the barn to get the horses feed. As she opened the door, she saw the figure of a man dressed in a long riding coat and hat. He immediately "began to disappear". It quite unnerved her at the time. Since then, we've found out that a lady who lived in the house previously says she saw the same apparition. I should add, just for good measure, that the house we live in, until about 30 years ago, was the local undertakers and the chapel cemetery is just over the road.
        I you'st to have a handle on the world .. but it BROKE!!


        • #19
          every posts qualifies, love to hear these stories, have got loads myself!


          • #20
            I have a few working and living in buildings that are 100+ years old 'helps' i guess
            - I was walking down the stairs in our cottage, when something big and black came down the stairs behind me. pushed me to one side and went on past
            - when my son was a tiny babe in the same cottage, he was crying up stairs and i was down stairs frozen with fear of going up to him, this semed to go on forever. When I did fight this fear and got up to him he was hanging from hi s head from his cot, I had to break the cot side to get him out and I wrapped him up and ran around to the neigbours to wait for my husband to come home.
            - was travelling home one winter night from my mums to home down country roads, i saw a human shape hanging, by the neck from a tree branch over the road. telling my paerents this later I learnt that this was called gog wood, as it was close to where people used to be hanged.
            - recently i was haveing a really bad time at work and one Sunday i was working out in the green house, chilling out sowing seed, when I heared my mum telling me 'don't let the b.... grind you down' It has been 11 years since she left us for better things and it was reassuing to hear her and help me decide to go for Vol. redundacy.
            a few of the many will post more another time bed calls now
            Denise xox

            Learn from the mistakes of others because you'll never live long enough to make them all yourself.
            -- Alfred E. Neumann


            • #21
              Wow! Sometimes thought i was the only one (loosely speaking) to have these "weird" sensations. I can sometimes sit with people some i know and some that i don't and i get like a photo image in my mind, when i describe it to them it's normally things that are personnal to them and nobody else would have known it. My doctor sent me to see a psychiatrist who kept asking me if i heard voices!! This made me very frustrated as i thought they were saying i was mad so i went to see a spiritualist counsellor who said i have psychic abilities and should develop this skill?! I haven't done anything about it and try to put it to the back of my mind but things still happen occasionally.


              • #22
                anyone tried crystal dowsing????it is fasinating
                Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful..William Morris


                • #23
                  On the 'irish' theme from earlier in the thread - my OH has many irish cousins and used to go visit them. They always said that if he was ever lost he should turn his jumper inside out and the leprechauns would take him home. Well, one night, walking back to his cousins house across the fields, it suddenly went very dark and he lost his bearings, could no longer see any houses at the edge of the field and became quite worried after wandering around for a while quite lost. He turned his jacket inside out, put it back on, and instantly knew the way home!
                  Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


                  • #24
                    I have too many to list
                    But the latist one was when I was driving throw Mobberly Nr Knutsford,
                    they was a car on its side across the road I whent very cold as I pased it then thought i heard someone talking saying what happend. I was In the Van alown
                    it was a man in his 30s he had just died in the car he had a wife and kids
                    I helped him on his way can not say how sorry

                    when I got back to work the lads siad are you ok your very pail I siad yea I just need a cup of tea there was a bad acident in Mobberly
                    they siad ok you go get a brew we will load your next run, and see you in the canteen in a bit
                    Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


                    • #25
                      I love these stories and I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has had weird experiences.

                      For about 6 months after my partner died the lights would flicker really badly in our house and one evening I kept thinking I could see, out the corner of my eye, his head pop round the door which is what he would do, put his head in a room first followed by his body.

                      Anyway, that same evening our 3 year old had a really bad night crying for his dad so I got up to get him a drink and when I come back in the room my son was calm and he had a bright light (bit bigger than a golf ball) floating about 6 inches about his head which when I came into the room slowly floated up and disappeared. I will swear that it was Joshs dad making sure he was ok.


                      • #26
                        I have had a couple of odd experiences too.

                        I was very close to my father's mother and since she passed on, whenever I feel worried about something I feel her close by.

                        When my first dog died (years ago) he had been quite poorly and had also suffered a slipped disc years before and walked slightly 'squint' because of it. I was on the sofa in the lounge, feeling rather sad a few days after he went, on my own when I heard the dog scratching the door to come in (no other dogs in the family). I got up and opened the door for him without thinking. He walked through looking really really well, no squint back, turned to look at me from the centre of the room then carried on - fading as he went. I never saw him again but was really comforted, I have always felt he came back just to let me see he was better.

                        Another odd one was that I worked with a woman who had been trying for ages to have a baby. Her and her husband were about to try IVF. One night I had a really vivid dream that she told me she was expecting. It was so clear and real that I decided to tell her about it at work next day. She laughed and said what a stupid dream as they had been trying for about 7 years. About a month later I went into her office in the afternoon (she had had the morning off) and just said ' when are you going to tell me you are indeed pregnant?' She went pure white and said that only that morning she had seen the doctor and she was indeed about 3 weeks pregnant!
                        Happy Gardening,


                        • #27
                          Mine are nothing on a par with you lot!

                          There is a white persian 'ghost' cat who lives here, every so often he walks through the house, I have no idea what he wants.

                          Many years ago when Uncle John died I found that if I had a problem or a difficult decision I would hear his voice and I could talk to him.... this carried on for years, until Jill, my aunt, also died. I haven't heard from John since.

                          Silly things

                          Last edited by TPeers; 18-05-2007, 01:46 PM.
                          The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by shirley View Post
                            anyone tried crystal dowsing????it is fasinating
                            Do you mean with a pendulum? I do it all the time to check if I can eat something if I'm not sure. Both my husband and I are therapists so we use a pendulum to assess chakras etc. The difference one single crystal can make is amazing. It really has to be seen. In fact it is something Mr EB always ensures he covers in his workshops because it is such an incredible way to show that something is happening even if a person can't "feel" anything energy wise.

                            My main experiences are of being in bed and "sensing" a cat jumping onto the bed, trying to settle between my feet and then walking up the bed. It happened in a former friend's house and got a very negative reaction and has happened since we moved into our current house about a year after our cat died. Mr EB has had a similar experience.

                            There are loads of ghost stories about the old hospital in the city centre.
                            Bright Blessings

                            If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Earthbabe View Post
                              Do you mean with a pendulum? I do it all the time to check if I can eat something if I'm not sure. Both my husband and I are therapists so we use a pendulum to assess chakras etc. The difference one single crystal can make is amazing. It really has to be seen. In fact it is something Mr EB always ensures he covers in his workshops because it is such an incredible way to show that something is happening even if a person can't "feel" anything energy wise.

                              My main experiences are of being in bed and "sensing" a cat jumping onto the bed, trying to settle between my feet and then walking up the bed. It happened in a former friend's house and got a very negative reaction and has happened since we moved into our current house about a year after our cat died. Mr EB has had a similar experience.

                              There are loads of ghost stories about the old hospital in the city centre.
                              what do u mean by something happening, in that's person's life? find it fascinating. thanks 4 all the stories, love 2 hear them! keep them coming!


                              • #30
                                Some people when they first start with crystals find it difficult to feel the energy from the crystal and may not "feel" the changes in their energy field or that of someone else when the crystals are introduced. Using a pendulum is a good way of showing that changes are happening in the chakras etc. It is very visual and a good confidence booster. It can take a little practice to get the pendulum swinging but the important thing is to relax and let it happen. Sometimes the changes in an individual after a treatment or meditation are subtle, sometimes they are huge.
                                Last edited by Earthbabe; 18-05-2007, 08:40 PM. Reason: clarity
                                Bright Blessings

                                If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


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