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any1 had a paranormal experience?


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  • #46
    Originally posted by Polly Fouracre View Post
    I(and my sister,Helen-in case Dinah accuses me of making this up!!)once saw the ghost of a ferret.
    sorry polly, but that has to be the funniest thing i've heard in a while, i know its probably not meant to be but it is just so random
    Kernow rag nevra

    Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.
    Bob Dylan


    • #47
      I have two kids, Mark my eldest is now 15 years old - he used to have an 'imaginary friend' when he was about 3/4 years old. I firmly believe it was a spirit friend, kids usually have too many 'real' friends to have to make one up too, in my opinion. My daughter Claire, now 11 years old, had a 'sister' when she was about the same age as Mark had been. Claire was quite frank about her sister, telling us her name, age and that she had died in a fire. We had way too much information to share here, but a couple of years later, we were in the car driving past an area not too far from where we lived, and Claire suddenly pointed out of the window and said that was where her sister used to live. My sister-in-law used to live in the area about 40 years ago and told me that there had indeed been a family wiped out in a fire in that location. I've been meaning to research it a bit more, but never got around to it.

      At the risk of sounding absolutely nuts I have had several experiences in life, including night visits from fae folk and an episode of 'flying' with them (yeah I know, sounds ridiculous doesn't it, but this was about 30 years ago and I can remember it like it was yesterday). My great grandmother and women of the family before her were known as 'witches' and I can only assume this is because of some kind of psychic/paranormal abilities that I seem to have inherited.......

      I know there are hugely differing opinions on this sort of thing, but I know what I know, and I know what I've seen!
      “The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does.”


      • #48
        Originally posted by Polly Fouracre View Post
        I(and my sister,Helen-in case Dinah accuses me of making this up!!)once saw the ghost of a ferret.
        LOL, of all the ghosts to see. What was it doing??


        • #49
          my son had an imaginary friend too at about the same age 3/4. thought nothing of it, but he said things that were just a bit too weird for my liking. funny thing is when we moved house he actually told me his friend had visited him and told him that he wouldn't be there anymore, he had come to say goodbye?


          • #50
            My friends son was always special with didnt like any thing dangerious. Would scream till his Seat belt was put on correctly...resused to get in the car when he was about 4 cos he said he had out grown the seat and would not get back in the car till he had a bigger one....and the bloke in halford agreed...infact he and the bloke from halfords pickout the new one and my friend just paid. An way one day on a day out he says out of the blue up here on the right is where I died. And althought he had never been there explained the village and road ahead and said is other dad had been driving too fast in a mini cooper and had turned it over in the they got to the point he says just here..

            This was when he was 4 about 10 years ago befre the new Mini coopers were built.
            My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


            • #51
              Ohhhh errrrrr.

              So what are the things other people's kids have said? I always find these the oddest ones.

              My ex swore that when he used to babysit his niece in a certain house once that he was sitting downstairs with the baby monitor on, and could hear a mans voice talking in the room. Him and his mate ran upstairs and as they opened the door a book dropped to the floor. Apparently in the same house she would scream and when they went in she would have adult size hand marks on her. When she was a little bit older she told them a man used to come into her bedroom and hit her! When they moved it stopped.


              • #52
                children are very psysic and unfortuntly adults to not encourage it. as they get older they forget how to use it.

                On of my friends it scarly psysic with his mum.....he will say oh yes please, and she will make tea. He will know when she is going to ask.

                We can all do it, if we have just got to tune to it.

                You can sence when there is going to be a fight in the pub. You feel some one looking at you.

                The one we all do...stare at the Mrs and look at something she will look up and at it.
                My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                • #53
                  Originally posted by blossom View Post
                  LOL, of all the ghosts to see. What was it doing??
                  It ran across the kitchen floor and under the dresser.I discovered later that people who lived in the house once,kept ferrets.
                  I t wasn't a lost,live one because it completely disappeared.Only saw it the once though.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by moggssue View Post
                    On the 'irish' theme from earlier in the thread - my OH has many irish cousins and used to go visit them. They always said that if he was ever lost he should turn his jumper inside out and the leprechauns would take him home. Well, one night, walking back to his cousins house across the fields, it suddenly went very dark and he lost his bearings, could no longer see any houses at the edge of the field and became quite worried after wandering around for a while quite lost. He turned his jacket inside out, put it back on, and instantly knew the way home!
                    That's interesting - turning an item of clothing inside out is usually a way to PREVENT other worlds bothering you. You can turn a pocket inside out if you have nothing else suitable. I've tried this myself, visiting Madron Well in Cornwall. This is a holy well with associated early Christian ruined chapel, and a very peaceful and beautiful site. People tie ribbons, rags, or items of clothing to the trees and wish. The first time I went there, I found the actual well, a square basin about 6' across, easily. The second time, I spent ages hunting for it, wading through chest-high nettles and brambles. Then I suddenly thought, "I'm being pixy-led", this being a traditional term for the experience of getting lost in a familiar place. I was quite alone, so took off my shirt and put it on inside out. Immediately, I spotted a little path I hadn't tried. I'd noticed it earlier, but dismissed it as leading the wrong way. I followed it, and there was the well. I've tried the technique again since, even when hunting for lost items at home - it usually works! I don't exactly believe in fairies, but I try to be open-minded. Once, at dusk in November, at the foot of the Quantock Hills (West Quantoxhead), on a path by a covered well, I saw something fly over a gate and off up the track. It was the size of a very large dragonfly, and something like the same shape, but pale pinkish-white. And November is late for dragonflies....


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