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Speed Cameras


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  • #16
    Come to sunny Staffordshire. Speed camera capital of the universe!! You can't drive very far without coming across the monsters.

    My beef against them is, they can take a picture of your car exceeding the speed limit. What they cannot do is check who is driving, whether you/they are as high as a kite on drink or drugs, using a mobile phone, etc, etc. They are a money raising exercise!!

    Regarding the quality of the roads in France (and for that matter anywhere else in Europe) The asphalt that is allocated to surface/resurface those roads is used for just that - surfacing/resurfacing. You do not get some itinerant workman coming knocking at your door saying they are doing some work in the area, and will have some asphalt surplus to requirements, and will resurface your drive at a very reasonable price (ha ha ha). In other words, asphalt that should be used for our roads is being half-inched to finance crooks!!

    Is it any wonder our roads are in such poor condition!!



    • #17
      Originally posted by Tigerella View Post

      I am sure you will find an excuse to disagree but if you were going to pay �1000 in tax, would you prefer the government to take it from your wage, or might it be a good idea to raise money from someone breaking the law.


      PS. but I am sure you didnt break the law.
      Where does this money get spent
      and the duty on fuel
      and the VAT on the Duty
      we also export Oil where does that go,
      My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


      • #18
        [QUOTE=pigletwillie;101852"most of the carnage on Leicestershires roads is not wrought by speed but by numpties driving too close to the car in front"[/QUOTE]

        You should see the A3 during the rush hour. all travelling closer than you would park to each other and then as soon as they get to the camera bit all braking. Why are idiots like this not fined!

        Or the car that zoomed past the alighting primary school bus in our village the other day....a women with two kids in the back chatting on the phone!

        Until they invent idiotcam I will continue to think 95% of these tickets are revenue raisers


        • #19
          Originally posted by pigletwillie View Post
          Am I just cynical or are the powers to be just taking the pee
          Piglet, you are not being cynical and they are taking the �.
          Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
          Visit my blog at - Updated 18th October 2009
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          • #20
            I wish we could have a camera on our street. It is used as a RAT run to the railway station by buses Comuters,but worst of all taxies.
            They turn into our street & put their feet down(seed 30-60 mph.)
            It is a street of terraced houses half a mile long why they wish to go so fast I don't know the time saved can only be seconds.
            We have had children hit but luckily no too seriously injured.
            The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
            Brian Clough


            • #21
              Bubblewrap, try this one.
              Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
              Visit my blog at - Updated 18th October 2009
              I support


              • #22
                Thanks Peter we have another problem "parking" computers using the railway station use our street as a "Free" car park. Parking our car can at imes be difficult. I have had 4X4s worth 35k parked out side my house for up to 4 days at a time. the owner can afford to buy a Chelsea tractor but is not willing a spend a few quid to park his polluting monster.
                How ever things are about to change we are soon(I hope) to get residents preferencial parking which may ease the problem.
                The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                Brian Clough


                • #23
                  got in tuch with the local councel and ask for a residents permit
                  It will mean you need a permit for visitors as well but will make shour you get a parking worden ever day
                  Yes I used to be a trafic worden
                  It was fun
                  Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Dobby View Post
                    got in tuch with the local councel and ask for a residents permit
                    It will mean you need a permit for visitors as well but will make shour you get a parking worden ever day
                    Yes I used to be a trafic worden
                    It was fun
                    This will happen when tne parking scheme comes into effect!!
                    The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                    Brian Clough


                    • #25
                      you must rember to put your permit in thow and your visitors outher wise you will get a ticket and even thow you live there the offence in not showing a valid permit
                      not far I know but thats the council after every penny
                      you get 5 min to put the permit in
                      Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


                      • #26
                        Road on my walk to the station had major problems.
                        For years a few commutors parked on the left near T junction, no problems.
                        Then car park charges went up alot.
                        So loads of commutors started parking on BOTH sides a long way up into an S bend.
                        This is the main access route to an entire council estate.
                        Buses and delivery lorries could not get through.
                        Solution council banned parking from 9am to 10am.
                        Result, other roads got used instead.
                        Final result a few more roads got short time bans.

                        Stupid thing is, I know people who will drive from near me halfway into town centre and park in the road, then walk the rest. It's about 20 minute walk from my place. What in the name of sanity is the point of that. If the shopping is heavy drive all the way, park in a car park and pay. Otherwise walk the whole way and do yourself some good.

                        The other thing that happens sometimes round here is tightwads parking in residential roads, then getting a taxi to the airport......
                        Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
                        Visit my blog at - Updated 18th October 2009
                        I support


                        • #27
                          we live about a mile from gatwick. all the roads round here are very quiet but are double yellowed (in force 10am - noon 7 days a week) to prevent holiday parkers.

                          not had a problem with cameras yet however anywhere has to be better than where we have moved from - north wales - the speed capital of the country!!!


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