Come to sunny Staffordshire. Speed camera capital of the universe!! You can't drive very far without coming across the monsters.
My beef against them is, they can take a picture of your car exceeding the speed limit. What they cannot do is check who is driving, whether you/they are as high as a kite on drink or drugs, using a mobile phone, etc, etc. They are a money raising exercise!!
Regarding the quality of the roads in France (and for that matter anywhere else in Europe) The asphalt that is allocated to surface/resurface those roads is used for just that - surfacing/resurfacing. You do not get some itinerant workman coming knocking at your door saying they are doing some work in the area, and will have some asphalt surplus to requirements, and will resurface your drive at a very reasonable price (ha ha ha). In other words, asphalt that should be used for our roads is being half-inched to finance crooks!!
Is it any wonder our roads are in such poor condition!!
My beef against them is, they can take a picture of your car exceeding the speed limit. What they cannot do is check who is driving, whether you/they are as high as a kite on drink or drugs, using a mobile phone, etc, etc. They are a money raising exercise!!
Regarding the quality of the roads in France (and for that matter anywhere else in Europe) The asphalt that is allocated to surface/resurface those roads is used for just that - surfacing/resurfacing. You do not get some itinerant workman coming knocking at your door saying they are doing some work in the area, and will have some asphalt surplus to requirements, and will resurface your drive at a very reasonable price (ha ha ha). In other words, asphalt that should be used for our roads is being half-inched to finance crooks!!
Is it any wonder our roads are in such poor condition!!