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  • I'll echo what VC said, Bill. With added ((((((HUGS)))))) Pets set a fine example to humans. What a trooper your Rosie is.

    I've come in for coffee. I got waylaid in the bathroom, scrubbing skirting boards and woodwork. If'n it's going to be dry next week (so the forecast says, touch wood and all that) I might get the filler & gloss paint out. The BH cannot understand why I just don't paint over the dust #2 Son has long, almost black, hair. It is everywhere. Yuck.

    Coffee? Caramel wafer?

    Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

    ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

    Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


    • Aaaaaaaaaaaarternoooooooon Peeps! Muggy again today, and yes, we say close (as in near) too for the same thing. But the sun is out, and according to my car dashboard it's a lot warmer that the Met Office say it is. Pillocks!

      Horsey chores done, copious amounts of coffee drunk, Parents' pond fish fed, dogs exercised. Home now, and the dogs are laying outside chewing a pig leg each! Complete with trotter! Looks disgusting, but they don't mind!

      You lot OK?
      All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
      Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


      • Yes, thank you, Aunty G4. Raised the poly under parental supervision. Creaking. Just had a shower and lunch. Mama wants to now make a return visit.
        Horticultural Hobbit!/HorticulturalH


        • Daughter's hair dyed this morning, lotment this afternoon. Lovely day here, sunny and warm but with a nice breeze.


          • Afternoon

            Congrats on getting your poly tunnel up HH, will your Wendy house be going up inside it as to keep stuff extra warm this winter or just used a shelving.

            Bill I hope Rosie is soon recovers enough to get back to doing doggy stuff with Danny.
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Evening All.....It's a beautiful evening!

              This morning's plan went by the wayside. No sewing has been done. Instead I have attacked the other side of the bathroom. It is now (almost) covered in OS maps of the West Country, circa 1940 to 1960. Interesting to see the two huge reservoirs near here are not on the 1940's map of the same area. I now know that they are man made reservoirs but, previously, I had thought them natural lakes. Amazing what you can find out from old maps.

              One map, mostly of Wiltshire, had pencil markings all over it, numbering 1 to 30. I erased them all carefully as it was a 1938 map. I'm now wishing I hadn't because, when I turned the map over, a little pencil note told me that the route was a scenic route visiting 30 country inns. That would have been very interesting to try and do one day. I could kick myself.

              Just having an egg sammich for supper with that new extra low carb bread. The stuff is prohibitively expensive so you can always find it on the reduced shelf and pop it in the freezer I wouldn't pay �1.99 for a tiny loaf, but 39p is just fine!

              Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

              ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

              Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


              • Hey all!
                Just split 7 tons of wood...and about to fall over sideways!

                Glad I made our bunny stew yesterday for supper tonight
                ( yeh..I know- we bred pet bunnies for 10 yrs in the UK!!)

                Early night tonight for us...BUT...flippin 'ek...the nights are drawing in aren't they??

                We were watching yellow leaves falling around us today ....NOOOO...I'm not reedy for Autumn!!!!

                * sigh
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • Ha! I'm not ready for Autumn either, Nickers - although I love the season as much as I do Spring! The Lawn is covered with silvery Cobwebs every morning, but the Spiders are moving indoors for shelter. It's a truly beautiful evening outside - even the combines and tractors have decided against harvesting/ploughing this evening, so we've not got the constant hum from them that we've had lately.

                  Still got the ruddy noisy randy Pigeons though, and the Jaspers are out in force for the ripening plums that I can't reach.

                  Hubby's BIIIIG toolbox has gone - sold to the company he bought it from, all those years ago. Sadly at a much reduced rate, but nice to get some money back from them, all the same! And, we don't have to find somewhere to put it, or chuff about trying to sell it on the 'Bay.

                  I'm feeling quite relaxed and content at the moment. Think I'll booger off for the evening, and open that bottle of Prosecco...
                  Last edited by Glutton4...; 31-08-2013, 07:20 PM.
                  All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                  Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                  • I love Autumn, but must admit the days are getting shorter too quickly. I hate Winter with it's short days and long dark nights.


                    • I like Autumn, but dread the winter. Can't believe it's September tomorrow. Tired and ready for my feet up now (hope yours aren't swollen today RL). Off to spend some quality time with the GGs, have a good evening. We've got the heating on
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • I saw someone at the side of the road sweeping up leaves today so to me that's the first sign of autumn on its way. and here's me hoping for a little more summer.
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • Bren, the first bag of leaves were carted down to the plot this week. Dumped into one of seven builders bags.
                          Horticultural Hobbit




                          • Morning all. Where is everyone?


                            • Have a lovely day, all - particularly Susie & her HOG ROAST - can't tell you how good that sounds!
                              Thank you Hazel, your good wishes clearly made the weather stay dry, although it was getting chilly by 8.00 pm and OH had to light the chimenea and spare fleeces had to be rounded up.

                              We specifically requested no gifts, but people are so kind. I don't have enough vases for all the lovely flowers we've been given. A bouquet loses something when it's in a bucket!

                              So, just sipping some coffee, easing gently into the day, much less hung over than I expected and girding my loins ready to tackle the rubbish clearance in the garden. That's much better than I expected too! So, have a good day all.

                              Can't believe I am back to work tomorrow - the six weeks holiday has FLOWN by.


                              • Morning bright but a bit cool out plus my GH had a low of 9.6c so I'm glad I closed the louvres last night for the first time this summer.

                                Sounds like your party went well Susie had to laugh at the bouquet in a bucket bit
                                Location....East Midlands.


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