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  • Feeling totally fed up. Dunno why. Help please peeps.


    • Originally posted by rustylady View Post
      Feeling totally fed up. Dunno why. Help please peeps.
      Oh dear, do you feel like slapping someone, bursting into tears, or just tired ? In need of some TLC? Or large glass of your favourite something?

      Bit of pampering needed maybe?


      Sent from my iPad using Grow Your Own Forum


      • Aaaaaaaaaaarternoooooon Peeps! Still warm and sticky out there. Edges edged, weeds hoed, dung collected/barrowed/emptied, Horses cuddled and water buckets filled. Why are they always empty when I get there - I suspect I'm the only person that bothers to check.

        After that, I took the dogs for a nice walk in the shade of the trees, and they had a fab time chasing imaginary waaabits.

        Kettle's on RL - no biccies though - you OK matey?
        All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
        Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


        • Wossa marra Rusty? Tell Auntie Veggie what we can do to help
          I could tell you about my exciting day at the hospital - spent 3 hours walking around the park 'cos I was too mean to take the car out of the car park and pay the charges again when I came back Anyway, my old Mum is back home again looking a bit like Long John Silver without the parrot. Tomorrow will be the big test, when the patch comes off - will she be able to do her crosswords again without a magnifying glass Hope so. She told me to booger off and stop fussing - and I only offered to make her a cuppa
          Lovely sunny day!!


          • Glad she's ok, VC.

            When my mum's twin had hers done, she went into a 'recovery room' (lounge) where they had a big pot of tea for you to help yourself. As all these eye-patched patients came in one by one after their little ops, and headed for the tea pot, they nearly all missed the cup with the teapot and spilled the tea - no 3d vision, and all that.

            She said it was really funny!
            Last edited by Hazel at the Hill; 03-09-2013, 04:12 PM.


            • Its waitress service at this hospital!! Trundling Mum out to the exit was entertaining though as she can't wear her specs because of the mega patch (looks like some bulbous eyed insect). She has one of those 3 wheeled walker things and she's a bit of a liability when she can see. I tried to correct her steering but she seemed determined to aim for all the elderly and infirm who couldn't duck out of her way. I thought A&E might get very busy before we left


              • Originally posted by Dorothy rouse View Post
                Oh dear, do you feel like slapping someone, bursting into tears, or just tired ? In need of some TLC? Or large glass of your favourite something?

                Bit of pampering needed maybe?


                Sent from my iPad using Grow Your Own Forum
                All of them Dotty please. Just feel like bursting into tears - don't really know why. Been hectic here lately - Daughter's getting married in a fortnight or a bit less and I've been looking after grandchildren a lot. Love them so much but they do tire me out.


                • Originally posted by rustylady View Post
                  All of them Dotty please. Just feel like bursting into tears - don't really know why. Been hectic here lately - Daughter's getting married in a fortnight or a bit less and I've been looking after grandchildren a lot. Love them so much but they do tire me out.
                  Sounds like you need a bit of 'you' time. Looking after every one else, no one looking after you! Tired and stressed?

                  Long relaxing bath,very very large glass of whatever,large bar of chocolate, feet up, fav TV, don't answer any phone calls, shut the world out for a bit, and make a nice plan for tomorrow.


                  Sent from my iPad using Grow Your Own Forum


                  • What Dotty says! You need to look after yourself, before you can look after others. Take some time out and say No to whatever demands are made on you.
                    Are the grandchildren back in school now?


                    • Thanks Dotty, good plans - me and the dog gonna cuddle up this evening. Unfortunately I was brought up with a fear of the phone - I have to answer it in case something is wrong with one of the kids or their families. Wish I could ignore it.

                      Will try to have a chilled evening - think I'm grandchildren sitting again tomorrow.


                      • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                        What Dotty says! You need to look after yourself, before you can look after others. Take some time out and say No to whatever demands are made on you.
                        Are the grandchildren back in school now?
                        VC I keep trying to say no, but it comes out as N - yes


                        • Afternoon, youngest grandson started senior school today it didn't seem that long back since he started nursery, doesn't time fly

                          Take care RS and try to get some 'you' time.
                          Location....East Midlands.


                          • 1 grandchild back to school today 3 more on Thursday. Getting there slowly


                            • Originally posted by rustylady View Post
                              Thanks Dotty, good plans - me and the dog gonna cuddle up this evening. Unfortunately I was brought up with a fear of the phone - I have to answer it in case something is wrong with one of the kids or their families. Wish I could ignore it.

                              Will try to have a chilled evening - think I'm grandchildren sitting again tomorrow.
                              RS could you share childcare with the other set of grandparents. that would give you a well deserved break.
                              Location....East Midlands.


                              • Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post
                                RS could you share childcare with the other set of grandparents. that would give you a well deserved break.
                                Not possible Bren, unfortunately - they don't live locally. I will be fine, just on a bit of a downer at the moment - - I'll get over it.


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