Evening all. What a day! And not in a particularly good way, but never mind, it's pretty much over now. Short staffed at work, FiL around for his cooked 'Sunday' dinner tonight, the longest I've sat down all day is when I was driving to and from work. Until about an hour ago. Hope everyone else's day was better, reading the posts above it seems so, mostly. Not sure what to say RL except all things pass. Thinking of you.
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Originally posted by Florence Fennel View PostI always say I'm a sitting duck because it's the same with me RL, but as you say, it's all about loving the children and their mums often think they are doing you the favour! Our youngest Golden Girl started senior school today (like your grandson, Bren). Little lamb, she doesn't look big enough.
Originally posted by Dorothy rouse View Post
I'm having one (or 3) also, wedding anniversary, 20 years together, 2 married! There you go, bit of gossip!Last edited by Bren In Pots; 03-09-2013, 11:18 PM.Location....East Midlands.
Happy Anniversary DR!
RL - Are you feeling a bit down about the wedding as well, excited but sad?
Kids will be back to school soon and you should spend all your time practising Noooooooo! No, No, NO!
White out fog here this morning. I kind of like them when I'm home. So quiet, and makes you feel snuggly.
Daughter has a dance assessment this morning. It's a Sports thing, so she has to do the ChaCha with a boy. They could have done the Jive, but neither of them is co ordinated enough for that
Hope you're all having a good sleep. That d@mn wombat was in the food forest last night. Didn't dig anything out, but left enormous turds everywhere. And knowing him, he's probably sussed out where all the new plants are, and will come back and dig them out when I'm away!Ali
My blog: feral007.com/countrylife/
Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!
One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French
Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club
Evening all... Thanks for all the birthday wishes for the little lady...
Well the day went very well and all the little kids had a great day... Weather was brilliant and the lady of the day said that it was "a magic day".. Day was topped off then when our horse won its race this evening, altho I could only see it on TV...
Good day tho
Hope you feel better soon RL.. hope your daughters appreciate all you do for them..Last edited by Tripmeup; 04-09-2013, 11:03 AM.I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....
...utterly nutterly
Mornng All - welcome back Carol!!
Its foggy here - but it'll be a scorcher when the sun burns it off (I hope!!).
Busy morning for me - doing a Homecheck on a lady who wants to adopt a dogthen doing a homecheck on Mum to make sure her eye is OK and she can put drops in.
Tell me NOT to call in at the garden centre when I'm passing please
Have a good day everyone and I hope you're feeling better today RL
Morning All....we are lost in mist, but it looks like it will burn off quicker today than yesterday.
Not sure what today's plans are; might go sewing. I made a mistake stitching one half of the back of the stag cushion yesterday. Silly, simple, mistake but I need to undo it and stitch it again. I hope the toggles turn up soon.
Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?
♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥
Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)
Morning all. Feeling a bit better this morning thanks. Did a bit of therapeutic chopping up of overgrown shrubs yesterday evening till it got too dark. Couple more mozzie bites
Sun's out this morning - think it's going to be hot later.
We're playing dodge the apples in the back garden. Got some whoppers falling.
good morning all,we need some night time rain,everywhere is very dry,forecast hot again and tomoz,we been down the lottie early evenings of late,the bitters are were out in force last night,darn things,
Good your feeling better RL,a trouble shared,and all that,give em a bowl each to stand under that apple tree,see who can catch the most as they fall,the rule being,not to nudge the tree,
HI carol,waves,got a hair trim to do on DH,then shopping,hope your mums ok VC,sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these
Morning no real plans here have to wait for postie then we'll go walking.
Good to see you Caroland Trip I loved the I've had "a magic day" aren't kids lovely
It's a busy day for you VC far too busy to pop into the garden centrebut those 50p seeds might beckon you
Location....East Midlands.
Morning all
Wales was full of weather yesterdaywet,dry,cold,warm,overcast & even proper foggy on the tops of the passes in Snowdonia,but then after lunch proper sunny
He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity
Morning all....
Beautiful day here again, sun is shining in the sky!!
Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Postand Trip I loved the I've had "a magic day" aren't kids lovelyI dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....
...utterly nutterly
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