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  • #91
    I'll have some of what Mama H is on, HH, please - but failing that, a cup of tea would be nice.

    Oh - I have CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE left over from the Show on Sunday - beetroot & choc, anyone?

    Just trying to work up the enthusiasm to go the the Hill to pick the inevitable courgettes. Had thought to cycle there, but I really have no get up and go for that...


    • #92
      Has your get up and go got up and gone Hazel?
      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


      • #93
        Evening, well its stayed fine all day, just a few spots of rain and that was all. but we've got VC's rain forecast for tomorrow.
        Location....East Midlands.


        • #94
          My get up and go has gone and went somewhere. Feeling really tired and down - no particular reason.


          • #95
            Evening all, just butting in. Cheer up every one. Just to make you just a tiny bit jealous, I'm on the ferry to the isle of wight, half way there now. We're having a long weekend away. On a down side the weather is miserable, dull, rainy and misty, hope it will improve.

            Gotta go, we've arrived
            Last edited by jayjaybee; 14-08-2013, 07:05 PM.


            • #96
              Have a great weekend JJB. Don't forget our sticks of rock
              Is this how you feel Rusty?
              Hope you're over it soon


              • #97
                Eeeeeeeeeeeevenin' Peeps - my get-up-and-go has boogered-off too! I decided to go out and mow the Chook-run. The newbies have been confined to the covered run, and a small bit of the grass run, until they get acclimatised, but tomorrow I'll let them free-range properly in the 'big bit' I'm sure they won't complain.

                G & T anyone?
                All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                • #98
                  Yep, that's me VC. But the cute puppy made me smile, so that's an improvement - thank you.


                  • #99
                    I hoped it would RL
                    Thanks for the offer of G&T, G4, but I'm on the red - to celebrate my safe return from deepest darkest West Wales Bottoms up - on second thoughts


                    • Rose for me tonight.
                      Just eaten a whole pile of Charlotte spuds and butter...yummy yum!!
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • Snap Nicos. I'm on mini spuds and butter too


                        • Evening all... Rain has arrived here too this evening so didn't get my lawn mowed... Tomorrow hopefully.. Busy at work, busy at home and busy organising for start of soccer season for local club... Someone has to do it..
                          I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                          ...utterly nutterly


                          • I had noobie pots & butter too (with the inevitable courgettes & beans) and salad and mackerel. Yum!

                            The fish BRAIN FOOD didn't help me with my sewing conundrum earlier, though - where's Jules when you want her??

                            Oh - and talking of conundrums - anyone know what this plant is? Mum would love to know what it is! We saw it at the Hill Show at the weekend on one of the plots, withno-one around to ask.

                            Attached Files


                            • Your mystery plant looks like Spirea to me Hazel RHS Plant Selector Spiraea japonica 'Anthony Waterer' (v) / RHS Gardening


                              • Morning All. Hope you're feeling perkier today Rusty
                                'Tis damp here - not very enticing - but hey ho - a Chicken's got to do whatever a Chicken has to do............ If its lay eggs there's going to be a very very long wait
                                Have a chirpy day, Grapeys


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