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  • I probably have a 1" OS map Jules if you get stuck!! Have lots of old maps of this area.


    • Thanks, VC - that's very nice of you. I'll let you know how the auction goes.

      Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

      ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

      Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


      • OK Jules!! I'm not there at the mo to check what I have - be a few more days yet


        • I really must get dressed.

          Just tried printing my own fabric labels, again something I saw on that site - Thanks Wayne! Using freezer paper cut to A4, ironed to 100% cotton and carefully fed through my bottom loading printer ( I hate kojak printers...grrrr) It worked really well though!

          Here's the Ch******s cushion for the shop display; it's not pink, that's just the camera being silly, it's scarlet.

          Contemplating a Russian doll doorstop for today. When I eventually get dressed........

          .........Meanwhile, coffee?
          Last edited by julesapple; 14-09-2013, 12:29 PM.

          Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

          ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

          Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


          • Afternoon all, thought I had best make an effort & hobble out of bed, gutted as it's dry & sunny here. Oh well, best have sommat to eat so I can take these gut destroying tablets............
            sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
            Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
            Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
            KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


            • Heal soon BM
              I've just had a few hours of insults and abuse and have aching sides - from laughing Too full of cake, foccacia and raw carrots to need lunch Must go out for dog food next!!
              Enjoy your afternoons everyone!!


              • Aaaaaaaaaaarternoooooooon Peep-oles! Chuffin' chuckin' it down here today - did for most of the night, too. Horses have watter-proof coats on, Dogs are watter-proof anyway, so neither seem to mind the weather, and the latter don't care what my car smells like after a long walk in the sodden-wet countryside!

                Sorry to hear about the collective ailments - BM, how many times have you been told that housework is bad for you?

                Ham an' Eggs, anyone?
                Last edited by Glutton4...; 14-09-2013, 03:43 PM.
                All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                • after noon,hope the unwell and injured make good recoveries,
                  just had a phone call from sons girl friend,injuries are,dislocated finger,bruised ankle and elbow,and in pain,he will ring us for a lift home when they done with him,see rant thread,
                  Last edited by lottie dolly; 14-09-2013, 02:37 PM.
                  sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                  • ((HUGS)) LD - no fun, is it!? Hope he's OK.

                    Hubby's home - and guess what; yeah, snoring like a warthog!
                    All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                    Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                    • Oh dear, lots of ailments, hope you're all better soon. Been a lovely sunny day here, hope the weather has stayed fine for you and yours RL. It's getting cloudy and cold now. Bought some wool whilst out with my daughter, knitting needles out now for some winter woolies (has that got 2 lls?). GGs tonight, so fun on the way. See you all soon
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • Son back home,finger pulled back into place,nothing broken phew,no matter how old they are,there still your kids,
                        thanks G4
                        Last edited by lottie dolly; 14-09-2013, 05:14 PM.
                        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                        • Evening all,

                          Hugs to all the darlings.

                          Made Bollywood lamb chops. Bulb of home made garlic and a dozen tiny purple rainbow chillies. Cooking away on a medium heat on the hob. Feeling hungry!

                          Horticultural Hobbit




                          • Just been asked where I would like to go for Dinner this evening. I replied that I didn't really want to go anywhere. Did that sound ungrateful?
                            All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                            Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                            • Originally posted by Glutton4... View Post
                              Just been asked where I would like to go for Dinner this evening. I replied that I didn't really want to go anywhere. Did that sound ungrateful?
                              Sounds perfectly reasonable, some nights I just can't be arrised
                              WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


                              • Evening!! Glad your son's OK LD - a lucky escape
                                I've just suffered the Invasion of the Plum Snatchers who've eaten all the plums! It was the neighbour's dropping in to say Hello ......Ooh look plums, Are they ripe? Mmmmm delicious, just one more..........until the only ones left were split or damaged.........guess who had those
                                Got my own back by asking 2 strong men to move a fridge for me, down about 20 steps
                                They're brilliant neighbours - they use my garden like its their own - pick flowers, bring the kids to play in the tree house, and I wouldn't swap them for anythng ....except .maybe, a bag of plums..........
                                Hope you've all had a good day!!


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