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  • Morning all...
    No rain here thankfully (yet)...Just going a bit darker as I type this..typical!!
    I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

    ...utterly nutterly


    • Good afternoon all,hope DD can sort it for you Jules,we have been threatened with rain,dry wanted until shed roof goes on please,it keeps going very hot and muggy,sunny,then chilly and overcast,plus darker than of late,right,toddles of back out to shed build duties,i need to cook us a nice dinner this evening,for 46th year ,
      sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


      • Hello All. Happy Anniversary Mrs and Mr LD, enjoy your meal. Hope it's sorted now Jules. Visitors most of the day, last lot just left. I do like visitors, but I like it even better when they go home. Looked like rain this morning, but hung the washing out anyway. It hasn't rained - yet - and there's been a stiff breeze, so I'm off to get them in now. See you later.
        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


        • Right! Job done. That henhouse couldn't be any cleaner! Girls dusted, dosed with iron tablets and treated for scaley leg - couple of them look like they might have the start of it, so we're knocking that on the head before it gets a grip. That Ficam is evil stuff, it kills big spiders on contact.

          Now sitting down with coffee, freshly showered & hairwashed - me, not the coffee.

          Happy Anniversary, Lottie & Mr Dolly!!!

          Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

          ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

          Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


          • Hope thats done the job Jules,himself is getting a bit hohum with one of the bits,so left him to it,lots to do and think about,and i feel like,that song,busy doing nothing,working the hole day long,trying to find lots of things not to do,i blame the weather,my brains are not on full power,
            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


            • When is the rain going to stop! Has Ben raining heavily all day!

              How any courgettes will have turned into marrows I wonder?

              Will find out tomorrow IF the rain stops!



              • Afternoon, its been a muggy day here with only a few spots of rain and here was me expecting to be driving in it all day.
                Location....East Midlands.


                • It's been raining in our little corner of Essexshire all ruddy day. Chucking it down, at the moment - the Dogs don't give a wotsit, but the Chooks are sick of it.
                  All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                  Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                  • Lovely drying day here - sunny spells and a brisk breeze. Made cycling home from the Hill a bit hard going, mind you.

                    Mum gave me the apples of one of her trees yesterday, which I calculate is 2 batches of wine, and two thirds. I've got some blackcurrants and rasps to make up the difference. Looks like I'm going to be busy chopping and boiling this evening. And when I'm bored of that, I can string some MORE runner beans. And when I'm bored of THAT, I can make *even more* ratatouille from the courgettes...

                    Happy days!


                    • Been dull and damp all day here - no really heavy rain but I'm hoping what we have had has soaked in at the allotment.


                      • Sunshiny day here Washing dried outdoors - always makes me happy
                        I'm sat here munching a bowl of low calorie red and orange "sweeties" - cherry tomatoes actually This is what summer tastes like!!
                        The dogs have found it all quite exhausting!!
                        Attached Files


                        • Went to the lotment party. Chairman N, declared that in all his 50 years on the site, there had never been one and he thoroughly enjoyed it. There was only a dozen or so of us. But it was lovely. And to be told by chairman n that my plot was lovely and that I had worked hard was the the cherry on the top!

                          Plans are afoot for a pre-bonfire night gathering.

                          Am aching though. Dug trenches for the possible hobbit poly. I hate digging, I just don't like it. But persisted with my magic folk and Indiana Jones.

                          And thank you. To whomever it was that kept the r*in away. That really helped!

                          Horticultural Hobbit




                          • Sounds like you had a really good day, HH! I'll send the rain back up your way tomorrow, if that's OK?
                            All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                            Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                            • Tomorrow would do just fine. And arrange so it doesn't arrive on the day I might raise the hypothetical poly either.

                              Which I must decide as to when I want to get it.
                              Go back to work Tuesday and don't know when I might have a suitable window to make it. That was no so confusing in my head.

                              Horticultural Hobbit




                              • Well done Hobbit! My son took some of my ratatouille to put through pasta for their evening meal. He's got 4 children and of the 3 young boys, 2 aren't keen on veg and the youngest doesn't touch them. They've ploughed down the lot. Only one of them eats jam. I've given them a jar of my homemade, homegrown strawberry. We'll see Off to watch a film, see you tomorrow. Have a good evening. Love the sweet doggies VC.
                                Last edited by Florence Fennel; 24-08-2013, 07:08 PM.
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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