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  • Originally posted by Glutton4... View Post
    Just been asked where I would like to go for Dinner this evening. I replied that I didn't really want to go anywhere. Did that sound ungrateful?
    I understand, sometimes you just can't be bothered, still nice to be asked tho I suppose!

    Sent from my iPad using Grow Your Own Forum


    • Evening there's been no rain so good day for driving around all day

      Originally posted by lottie dolly View Post
      after noon,hope the unwell and injured make good recoveries,
      just had a phone call from sons girl friend,injuries are,dislocated finger,bruised ankle and elbow,and in pain,he will ring us for a lift home when they done with him,see rant thread,
      LD I hope your lads OK and doesn't feel too sore in the morning.
      Location....East Midlands.


      • Evening All......chilly out there, but dry. Laundry's dried and in.

        Haven't achieved much today. The day got away from me. I did pick 2lbs of raspberries though, and I've tried one of the apples from the tree - quite tasty. Late supper for me & him tonight - homemade soup.

        Everyone ok?

        Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

        ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

        Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


        • Ive had a quiet day, himself is off at a beer festival. I seem to have accidentally bought a new pair of boots though.....
          WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


          • Evening all... Beautiful day here so got a good bit done in the garden including mowing the lawns..
            Hope son is OK Lottie.. probably will be sore in the morning tho...
            I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

            ...utterly nutterly


            • Tchuh, FionaH - you'd never catch me doing that

              I hope it's okay if I join in? Hope I'm not trampling on any unspoken rules. Sorry to hear LD's son has had an accident. My son is only four so young enough to be under a watchful eye much of the time, and I really don't know how I'm going to feel as he gets big enough to start causing himself some serious damage.

              Today I climbed 216 stone steps - 108 there, 108 back - taking my children to the top of the Leominster priory church tower. My legs were fine on the stairs, probably because I was concentrating so hard on DS who kept slithering and skittering about on the weeny wedge-shaped steps, but once we were down I don't know how I kept from writhing about on the floor yelping in pain! Also stripped about a zillion elderberries from their stalks (1.5 lbs of 'em) - DH says it looks like I've dismantled the world's largest blackberry
              Is there anything that isn't made better by half an hour pottering in the veg patch?


              • Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevenin' Peeps! I'm off to vegetate in front of the TV - think Himself has a film planned. I'll probably do my usual and miss the second half!

                Sweet dreams all, catch ya morra!
                All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                  Evening!! Glad your son's OK LD - a lucky escape
                  I've just suffered the Invasion of the Plum Snatchers who've eaten all the plums! It was the neighbour's dropping in to say Hello ......Ooh look plums, Are they ripe? Mmmmm delicious, just one more..........until the only ones left were split or damaged.........guess who had those
                  Got my own back by asking 2 strong men to move a fridge for me, down about 20 steps
                  They're brilliant neighbours - they use my garden like its their own - pick flowers, bring the kids to play in the tree house, and I wouldn't swap them for anythng ....except .maybe, a bag of plums..........
                  Hope you've all had a good day!!
                  Oh how I feel for you. It's the same with me, I make cakes and bread to save a bit of money and because they are so yummy, but everyone who comes wants a piece, when they go my wife doesnt help by cramming jars of jam and loaves of bread into their pustular greedy little hands. If I hire a skip the next morning its full of everyone elses rubbish, is there no end to peoples lack of politeness and greed. I'm sure if I had a colonoscopy the neighbours would want one.
                  Last edited by Bill HH; 14-09-2013, 08:32 PM.
                  photo album of my garden in my profile


                  • evening,thanks for the support friends,bet he will be stiff the morrow,i done meself no favours running and limping down the roads to where he was,i tolled DH about a lady phoning,next min he was gone,without me,a muscle in my top back leg is going the rounds,things we do in a panic eh,am going to bed shortly,so night night,tomorrow is another day,
                    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                    • Poor Bill!! That's what happens when you're kindhearted
                      Actually I'm very fond of these neighbours. I used to work with the husband in Cardiff and we both took early retirement in 1995. Years later I bought a little cottage in West Wales and found that he'd moved to the same village a few months previously! We can't decide who is stalking whom.
                      He lives 2 gardens away from me and because we both have steeply sloping gardens, its easier for him to reach the top of his garden by coming up through mine and cutting through the in-between overgrown garden.
                      I'm always amazed how small this world can be
                      Last edited by veggiechicken; 15-09-2013, 05:51 AM. Reason: missed my amazement


                      • Night Night Lottie. Take care of yourself and have a good sleep. See you tomorrow - hope you won't ache too much


                        • Originally posted by MrsCordial View Post
                          Today I climbed 216 stone steps - 108 there, 108 back - taking my children to the top of the Leominster priory church tower.
                          I've just looked at google images and by the looks of the photos that view from the top is was well worth traipsing up all those stairs
                          Location....East Midlands.


                          • Originally posted by MrsCordial View Post
                            I hope it's okay if I join in? Hope I'm not trampling on any unspoken rules.
                            Dive in, MrsC!

                            Originally posted by MrsCordial View Post
                            Today I climbed 216 stone steps - 108 there, 108 back - taking my children to the top of the Leominster priory church tower. My legs were fine on the stairs, probably because I was concentrating so hard on DS who kept slithering and skittering about on the weeny wedge-shaped steps, but once we were down I don't know how I kept from writhing about on the floor yelping in pain!
                            Sounds fabulous - I would have loved that! Apart from the writhing on the floor bit, obvs.


                            • Morning

                              It feels sort of crisp outside so a real autumn morning with lots of shiny spiders webs about.
                              Location....East Midlands.


                              • Morning Bren and All You reminded me that yesterday I walked into an enormous spider's web, right over my face and hair I must have looked like Ena Sharples. Took ages to claw it off!
                                The winds getting up here and we're expecting it to get worse and wet Ne'er mind, yesterday was lovely. Wouldn't want too much of a good thing

                                Hope everyone has recovered today, whether it be from weddings or injuries!


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