I almost always wear gloves for gardening, due to the presence of cat/dog faeces in other peoples' gardens. (The non-gardeners chuck it in the borders before mowing the lawn.
) It also saves me touching slugs, which I just can't abide.
Sometimes though, I get hard dry skin on the insides of my thumbs and index fingers. That gets the old pumice stone treatment (or emery board, if handy!) and a good dose of lip-salve to keep the moisture out!

I almost always wear gloves for gardening, due to the presence of cat/dog faeces in other peoples' gardens. (The non-gardeners chuck it in the borders before mowing the lawn.

Sometimes though, I get hard dry skin on the insides of my thumbs and index fingers. That gets the old pumice stone treatment (or emery board, if handy!) and a good dose of lip-salve to keep the moisture out!