What Potty said ^^ & @ http://www.growfruitandveg.co.uk/gra...ml#post1185945
I always favoured being a self employed "worker",this meant that stoppages were a flat 25% (iirc),keep the wage slips & all receipts of expenditure (safety clothing & footwear,tools of work,etc) give those to your accountant (who will know all the others household percentage claims you can make Phone,office space,etc),accountant then submits to HMRC ,any rebate due will be sent to you as a cheque in my day,might be other systems in place now.
I always favoured being a self employed "worker",this meant that stoppages were a flat 25% (iirc),keep the wage slips & all receipts of expenditure (safety clothing & footwear,tools of work,etc) give those to your accountant (who will know all the others household percentage claims you can make Phone,office space,etc),accountant then submits to HMRC ,any rebate due will be sent to you as a cheque in my day,might be other systems in place now.