Next door's cats fed and settled an hour ago - my two now both home and quite settled, considering the display outside.
They may well velco themselves to me on the bed later - I've been away overnight last night (big shout out for Pickering - yeah!) and they are happy for me to be back. (translation: happy for the soft-touch pouch dispenser to be back, as opposed to the frightening big bloke from next door who doesn't have much of a clue doling out the grub). Hmm.
They may well velco themselves to me on the bed later - I've been away overnight last night (big shout out for Pickering - yeah!) and they are happy for me to be back. (translation: happy for the soft-touch pouch dispenser to be back, as opposed to the frightening big bloke from next door who doesn't have much of a clue doling out the grub). Hmm.