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What do you think ?


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  • What do you think ?

  • #2
    I have to concur that organic food is a rip off - I grow my veg organically and I would be ashamed to try and sell it for the prices some folk up here do.
    Ooops - just noticed the time 0 gotta go to work - will be back to this thread tomorrow for a more in depth reply

    British by birth
    Scottish by the Grace of God


    • #3
      Could also be labeled 'Food for thought'
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • #4
        Thanks for that link LLL. Quite informative. I think we all have to apply our own common sense and go with what fits comfortably with us. It's what I've thought and said before. JUst what does organic mean. It seams to mean just what the grower / seller wants you to think it means. Or the people who are holier than thou want to tell you it means. I just try to grow my food in a good ,clean way, without chemicals sprayed over them. That's good enough for me - whether it's organic or not.

        From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


        • #5
          I find my organic veg and fruit boxes to be good value compared with supermarket prices - and I don't have to go to the supermarket which is the main advantage for me! I do prefer the farmers' market but that's only once a month and even then I'm not always free on the Saturday morning to go to it.

          We make a point of planning meals around what turns up in the box so there is not much wasted.

          But hopefully once this year's crops start to mature I'll be able to cancel the veg box and use home grown. Not quite "organic", but I know exactly what has been done to the plants and soil!
          You are a child of the universe,
          no less than the trees and the stars;
          you have a right to be here.

          Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

          blog: and my (basic!) page:


          • #6
            sounds like organic is not organic with all that spraying.


            • #7
              I have an organic veg/fruit box. The company have a variety of box sizes at differing cost. Yes I could get cheaper in the supermarket, but, I want to eat foods that have not been sprayed with a host of chemicals. The farm I use for my veggies is in hampshire and is open for all to see. They also now run their own farmers market. I grow as much as poss on the lottie but there are still times I need to supplement.
              I also can order other items which are organic ie; bread,flour, eggs, pasta and meat.
              I can order online or by phone.
              Brilliant at christmas when you are doing last minute running around....veg/fruit etc is delivered. No hassle.

              I don't have the hassle of cancelling as I order when I want.
              Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful..William Morris


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