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  • Sorry to hear that, Jeanie - crossed posts.


    • Eeeeeevenin' Peeps. Did today's job yesterday as rain was forecast today. Today has been warm and sunny - I think we've had about a dozen spots of rain all day.

      Just popped in for a break from spreadsheets and invoices received that don't tally with payments made.

      Sorry to read such sad news about the pets. Having seen a cat with a pinned pelvis (so painful to watch the poor thing struggle to get around), I think the correct decision was made. Hope Rosie's not in too much discomfort. When I was a kid, I knew a yellow Lab with only one front leg - it slowed her down, but only slightly, and she lived to a ripe old age. They're so tough, aren't they?

      Dunno about you lot but I'm gasping - kettle's on...
      All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
      Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


      • Not for me G4, I'm off out - laters..............


        • Just wondering if it's still a little early to crack open a cold one ...


          • Evening sorry to read about your neighbours kitty Jeanie and all the best with Rosie, Bill.

            Just put my sourdough loaf in the oven pity it won't be cool enough to eat at tea time. so i'll have a piece for supper.

            Happy birthday to middle GG Flo
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Thanks Bren. I must be psychic, she rang me about 5 minutes after I'd posted and is having a lovely day. Youngest GG has eaten some chicken, the first meat she has eaten in 5 months - I think she was sick of salad and rice while they've been in Turkey and the barbeque they went to was too much of a temptation! Thanks to the rain which prevented me from tying in my toms, I've cleaned the bedrooms, hall, stairs and landing. Think I'll be going on the game later for a rest
              Sorry to hear about the cat Jeanie, it is like losing one of the family.
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


              • Oh dear, I am feeling worse about my neighbour's kitty than my own! Maybe it is because I was a bystander and totally helpless - with mine at least it was a reasoned argument.
                So Rosie and I head off to dog training this evening - and of course, she knows that I am feeling a bit sad - so she starts to perform like a star! And a delinquent in one session. Easy stuff she forgets like sit beside me and down. The clever stuff like stay over there, wait, run to me, sit in front of me, switch to my left hand side and sit beside me - she nails it!
                Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                • Can I offer a happier tale? I didn't mention it earlier in the week as the outlook was so gloomy - but you needn't look away now - I promise.

                  Merlin cat next door has been getting increasingly immobile. An older cat now - 15 - he went a bit odd last weekend. I'd been looking after him whilst the Next-door's were away for a couple of days (I'm regularly his foster mum), and he seemed to be wobbly on his legs, not be able to see, and to not be interested much in eating.

                  In the space of Sunday afternoon (purring, ate a bit) when the Next-doors got home, to Monday morning he had deteriorated to being bewildered and shuffling mindlessly along - he'd get to the edge of the kitchen units and follow the line to the corner, and stop with his head stuck, still trying to walk on.

                  Monday, the vet took his blood pressure - SKY HIGH - and said that he may have suffered neurological damage, and be a gonner (I paraphrase) but if his blood pressure is brought down, he might stand a chance - take these tablets, and come back on Friday.

                  FRIDAY! Blimey - you'll be lucky! Monday and Tuesday were dreadful - and I thought that the chance of him making it through to Friday were pretty low. He was disorientated, couldn't eat, use the tray or apparently see. Awful, awful, awful. The Next-doors were distraught and the constant debate was how long do you let this go on? Is there a kinder way?

                  Then on Wednesday, Merlin lapped a little water, and ate two crunchies. I sent over a pouch of posh flaked food for them to try to tempt him - and he had a little.

                  He had a little more - two teaspoons - on Thursday. Thursday night, he had a drink (if he was held steady with his head dipping into the water bowl.

                  This morning (Friday) he had a small bowl of crunchies soaked in warm water, and a drink, and looked round, with curiosity.

                  Friday at the vets, he responded to a sight test, and sound test. At lunchtime, he purred with great gusto when cuddled. At teatime, he ran to the kitchen when called, and ate unaided. He gave me a head butt.

                  He's a cat who has put everyone through the wringer, but at least for the mo (and - please - for much time to come), this is a happy ending.
                  Last edited by Hazel at the Hill; 28-06-2014, 02:09 AM.


                  • That's lovely, animals are so resilient
                    Nannys make memories


                    • Hi guys seem to have missed a lot of news. Have just read through all the pet dramas, and have tears in my eyes, some of sorrow and others of joy. (Feeling a bit down as still missing my little Freddy cat who went missing about 6weeks ago) so sorry about your neighbour's cat Jeanied and hope Rosie gets on OK with the pain killers Bill
                      Dogs have masters, cats have slaves, and horses are just wonderful


                      • Morning, we've got rain but not enough yet to make much difference to my water butts.

                        That's sad about your kitty still being missing Bal pets are such a worry aren't they.
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • Morning all, grey and overcast here, but the cloud is quite high. I fear it will not bring the heavy rain I want. It rained yesterday - road was wet, but the water butt is still virtually empty. Perhaps it did not rain on the conservatory roof? Just chopped up 3 lbs of cucumbers for relish. They're coming thick and fast now .... don't you just love this time of year? Off to the plot shortly, visiting OH this afternoon. Nursing staff have promised to hoist him out of bed and into a chair so that he sit in the doorway of his room and we can 'watch the world' go by. Have a good day all.


                          • Morning All - bit of rain, bit of cloud, bit of sun...........bit of a bitty day really.
                            Susieq - lovely to hear that your OH can leave his bed and have a change of scenery. My best wishes to you both for his continuing recovery.
                            Sorry to hear about all the poorly and missing pets. They work their way into our hearts and leave a big gap when they go. Big hugs all round.
                            Enjoy your day everyone - whatever you may be doing


                            • Weather is fine right now, but forecast for later is lots of rain. We'll see. Came back from our day out to find two of my tomatoes had taken a nose dive. My African Queens may be getting a bit top heavy so I am going to weigh the pots down with house bricks for the moment. Happy weekend everyone
                              Nannys make memories


                              • Morning all!

                                We've got sunny periods this morning but rain forecast later. We're going to a wedding reception today so it would be great if the rain holds off until after the ceremonials are all done. Then maybe we can have some decent rain once we're all safely tucked up inside next to the beer?
                                My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                                Chrysanthemum notes page here.


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