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  • Just green looking Hazel


    • Good Morning Gl, morning All. Glorious morning again here. Have a good one
      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


      • Morning Flo, glorious blue skies here......bring the day on


        • Mornin 'Flo n all'!

          Looking nice here too

          Off to the shops later doubt I'll accidentally come home via the garden centre!
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • Morning, its a bit dull out today and even feels like we'll be getting some rain I know we could do with some.
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Morning peeps, dullish here in London, but forecast says sun later, we will see. Going out to lunch to celebrate a colleague from Age UK's birthday. How nice is that? I think I have tomato blight, no, I'm sure I have. Can I save the fruit and ripen indoors? Thought things were going too well in our back yard. Onwards and upwards
              Nannys make memories


              • Morning all, lovely sunshine here today. The beans and sweetcorn will want watering later.

                Tomato blight Sally? My outdoor ones were fine yesterday but I was amazed last year by how quickly it took over. And yes, if the fruit hasn't been caught yet you can take it indoors to ripen. If it has, you'll soon see it develop so keep an eye on them.
                My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                • Good morning peeps...Hope everyone is all well today..Its a dull and cloudy morning here right now..Forecast is for it to brighten up later on today..Gonna take my daughter out for lunch today and do some clothes shopping with her too..have a fantastic day ahead peeps


                  • Originally posted by Martin H View Post
                    Morning all, lovely sunshine here today. The beans and sweetcorn will want watering later.

                    Tomato blight Sally? My outdoor ones were fine yesterday but I was amazed last year by how quickly it took over. And yes, if the fruit hasn't been caught yet you can take it indoors to ripen. If it has, you'll soon see it develop so keep an eye on them.
                    Thanks Martin
                    Nannys make memories


                    • Good Morning Looks dull here. It is meant to be raining today. I am not going to be doing much today apart from go back to bed later, I am working nights tonight. Have a good day all


                      • My blighted green toms have all gone brown although they looked fine when placed on the window sill.
                        5 browning tomatoes from 11 or 13 ( can't remember now exactly)plants....really sad.

                        But yes, in the past I have had some red up nicely- I suppose it depends how long the plant has been affected?
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • Its another sunshiny smiley day down here. Time to see how many courgettes are lying in wait this morning

                          Welcome to all our new Chatters too - I love to read how everyone else is spending their day - especially those who work


                          • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post

                            Its another sunshiny smiley day down here. Time to see how many courgettes are lying in wait this morning

                            Welcome to all our new Chatters too - I love to read how everyone else is spending their day - especially those who work
                            VC send some of that sun my way please..Its been gloomy here the past few days..I have my daughter home for a few days and was hoping to have a BBQ


                            • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                              Welcome to all our new Chatters too - I love to read how everyone else is spending their day - especially those who work
                              Morning all, from behind the desk.

                              Dull here this morning, but the forecast is for brightness later.

                              One of my colleagues to whom I am forwarding a proposal for a Client has just asked 'can you word it in such a way that I don't need to go on a codebreakers course to understand it?'. I tell ya, I deal with amateurs!

                              Laters, peeps!


                              • Morning all - belatedly - I know most of you have been up and at 'em for hours. Well so have I really. Car to the garage - probably need a new clutch. Cucumber relish potted and labelled. Greenhouse and garden fed and watered, tomatoes and cucumbers hacked back .... it was getting a bit jungly in there.

                                Doc prescribed some sticky pads with anti inflammatory stuff on them (no brand names here) and I have only been using one for 12 hours - feels better already! She said I have to keep it moving or I could get a frozen shoulder .... aarrrghhh!

                                Off to the plot now to collect ingredients for the first batch of piccallili this year. Yay! Will have to take OH's car (what he doesn't know about won't hurt him ).

                                Have a good day every one.


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