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  • Feeling a bit better, thanks GL. The doctor thinks it's a virus that Is going around.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum
    Last edited by cariann88; 08-08-2014, 07:55 AM.


    • Morning all. Glad to hear you are on the mend Cariann - these viruses are really nasty things.

      I have the dishwasher on, washing drying on the line, dog fed and toileted and the snail count this morning was only 2! Both brought in via dog delivery, presented on the rug for me to pick up.

      Busy day today - I have a load of sorting to do and some old papers to chuck out. I am daft for hanging on to all this stuff and giving it valuable house room!
      Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


      • G'Mooooooooooornin' Peeps! Feeling very jaded this morning, through lack of sleep. Had a rare visit from lovely nephew, who was at a lose end. Ate us out of house and home, and stayed till midnight, when I chased him off the premises LOL Unfortunately, I was up again at half four with a squirty dog. Niiiiice. Not!

        Today will be conducted at half speed. Coffee?
        All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
        Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


        • Good morning all - and good to see so many reporting for duty here!

          Busy day for me today - it's my godmother's funeral - she died nearly 4 wks ago, and being (by her own admission) an impatient woman, would not have approved of all this hanging around! She was a good old stick, and we miss her.

          Before then I have too many things to fit into the next couple of hours - lots of work-y phone calls, take my carpet cleaner back to the carpet cleaner man , go to the homebrew shop for wine yeast, and nip up the road for the paper and swap the lightbulb that the electric shop sold my mum which doesn't quite fit the fitting.

          Cup of tea first, then I must get on!


          • Morning its a bit dull out and feels more like autumn than summer its all a bit odd.
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Morning...a bit changeable here today. Noticed last night on way home that it did feel a bit like autumn, Bren In Pots...surely not! It's been a really quick year so far. It will be 'the word which is banned in this house until December' soon!!
              Last edited by Jay22; 08-08-2014, 08:37 AM.


              • Originally posted by Jeanied View Post
                Morning all.

                Busy day today - I have a load of sorting to do and some old papers to chuck out. I am daft for hanging on to all this stuff and giving it valuable house room!

                Me to Jeannie, all filed as well, but guarantee as soon as I throw/shred it, I'll need it!


                • Morning all. We've got some light rain this morning so I will have to find some indoor jobs. Or maybe I'll sort out my pictures from our last holiday. Decisions, decisions.
                  My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                  Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                  • Good morning all! Going to be a day in bed for me. Looks like it's going to rain today. Anyone fancy bringing me breakfast in bed?


                    • Aggghhh Bren and Jay stop using that "A" word! 😃
                      I hate it when the weather people start saying "autumnal", means summer is over, back in the house for 6 months!!
                      Anyway back to today, cloud and sunshine here.
                      Day off work so going to go and hunt for my first red tomato!
                      Red arrows due to land at airport sometime today so hopefully have a little display as they go into land.
                      Have a lovely day everyone

                      Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum


                      • Originally posted by Green Gerkin View Post
                        Aggghhh Bren and Jay stop using that "A" word! ��
                        I hate it when the weather people start saying "autumnal", means summer is over, back in the house for 6 months!!
                        Its changed outside and we've got that summer feeling back so I'm into tee-shirt and shorts again
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • Hot here too! My boys have been on a rugby course most of the week and they have a showcase match later this afternoon with a BBQ, so I'm hoping the weather stays good!


                          • Got an inch of rain yesterday. The crust on the garden is now soaked. Another day (?) and I'll take the hoe and loosen up the dirt so I don't get such a crust again. I'm learning still so please be patient with my novice level post(s).

                            Corn harvest is close to over but the tomatoes ... mmmmm! No store bought tomato compares.

                            I'm working from home all week so I get to go outside and putter around during my lunch break and can use more time in the evenings since I don't have to drive home. Makes me think a lot about the fruits and vegetables.
                            Last edited by DWSmith; 08-08-2014, 11:53 AM.
                            Nutter's Club member.


                            • The weathers changed again we've not got a storm complete with thundering and lightening, at least its doing the garden some good.

                              Time for a mug of tea and a slice of egg custard.
                              Location....East Midlands.


                              • Good afternoon. My life sounds so boring sometimes because I have not done much ha. I am just watching a tv series on netflix called the tudors. It's about Henry the 8th. It's good. It's a mixture of both the weather at the moment. One minute its pour down with heavy rain and then the next the sun is out.

                                Hope your all having a lovely day


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