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  • I always split the even weigh their cake


    • Scarlet that is absolutely stunning...showed it to my OH who thought it was a photo of a real rose!

      Hazel, do you run every day? Looking for something to give me a shove and get me off the sofa! Think it would need to be a bomb up the bahookie!


      • Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
        I always split the even weigh their cake
        Big sis, big bro and I learnt when we were very young to be utterly accurate on splitting items, from the principle of 'you cut, I choose'. I reckon I could split a piece of cake to the gram even now.

        Originally posted by Jay22 View Post
        Hazel, do you run every day? Looking for something to give me a shove and get me off the sofa! Think it would need to be a bomb up the bahookie!
        I go for 3, maybe 4 runs a week, Jay (about 3/4 hr or so each, and about 25k in total). I am the world's biggest prevaricator as I am NOT a natural and given the choice of running or ........ virtually anything else, I'd go for the 'anything else' option.

        I'm better at getting out the door without a face like a wet weekend than I was, but when it comes down to it, running is about 80% HARD WORK Although the coasting downhill feeling STRONG, or the final 100m sprint finish knocking a few precious seconds off a personal best is FANTASTIC.

        I wasn't particularly sporty at school and have only come to this running lark at - uh - middle age - I do wish I'd taken it up earlier as being fit is GREAT. Also, you can eat like a HORSE and still be reasonably lean, and there is nothing better for curing a wobbly bottom! I'm about half a stone lighter than before I started running, have not had to look at cutting down even when wanting to get 'beach ready', and I've dropped some beef on top to the extent of a dress size (er - and a cup size)

        There are loads of 'couch to 5k' courses out there if you need something structured to get your sorry a$$ moving. I started out by running 100m to the end of the road; then the next day, 200m, and 300m the next, etc, until over the course of 3 or 4 months I built up to 5k.

        Then this time last year I won an online training course for aspiring 10k runners, which was marvelous, and we had to enter a race at the end of it.

        That was last autumn, and motivation for me is to always have a race penciled in the diary as a goal or I might not bother - four a year seems to be about the right balance in order to get a couple of months training in for each. My brother has always been a runner so we enter the same races - he's been my biggest cheerleader, and encouraged me no end.

        There are still times when I HATE EVERY STEP, but that is more than made up by what I get out of it - I'd say do it.

        Oops - written an essay!!!


        • More like a motivational chat Hazel and very good

          Morning All, weather much the same as yesterday, have a good day
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • Morning

            It feels a bit crisp out today so I'm hoping the sunshine will appear later on.
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Drab looking sky here today but not cold. Just about to leave for the plot so have a great day all


              • Morning all...

                Drive into work this morning was unusual in that it was my last day plodding that particular route
                We are moving into new offices, and so I got to say goodbye to a few traffic jam spots this morning
                Haven't really researched the new route yet, but no doubt a load of new ones await

                have a good one...
                I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                ...utterly nutterly


                • Morning all

                  Dry & sunny here at chez BB,another cuppa & then onto the busy again
                  He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

                  Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


                  • Morning all. I weakened yesterday and got the dentist to prescribe me a course of antibiotics. On the upside, the toothache is tolerable this morning. On the downside, no alcohol till next Wednesday. It's going to be tough!

                    Meanwhile it's dry here although no sign of the sun yet. Could be a good day for having another bash at the compost heap!

                    Another cup of tea first though, I think.
                    My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                    Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                    • Morning All. Its bright and shiny here - looks like another glorious day spent in the garden.
                      Look after your teeth Martin and we'll drink the booze in your name. Cheers


                      • Morning all! The sun is shining, the cat is content on the back door step.

                        Today is a shuffling files day, but with a very pleasant break for lunch with Patti Next-door. She's going to a buddhist 'do' this morning and will tell me all about it.



                        • Morning no sun here today not got anything to do today, so I might just read my book and have a lazy morning in bed.

                          Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum


                          • Good morning everyone..Hope everyone is all well today...Its a scorcher here right now..Gonna chill outside with the girls today and take things easy..Time to make a cuppa..Coffee?
                            Last edited by Strawberry patch; 11-09-2014, 09:12 AM.


                            • No sun in w London, nothing much to do outside, so I am concentrating on card making today. The charity shop are down to one or two. Better get a move on, only on here whilst waiting for glue to dry. That's my story anyway
                              Nannys make memories


                              • No sun here either. Was sunny whilst I was at work earlier in the week. House cleaning this morning, then up to the allotment later.

                                Sent from my iPad using Grow Your Own Forum


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