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  • Morning!

    Dreary and overcast today - had to get up and get organising early to receive delivery of a brand new sofa bed! Duly lugged in by two very helpful delivery guys - closely scrutinised by the puppy from the other side of the baby gate.

    Now I have to work out where to put all the junk I had to move to get it in!
    Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


    • Hi. Cold and damp here this morning.
      Agree with you Greenleaves about Phil Hughes. It would of been his 26th birthday on Sunday. Poor bowler as well like you say.


      • Yes, very sad news.

        I'm turning into a grump today, think I need to go get some fresh air.

        Honestly, some folk do try your patience, huh!? Ask a simple question "How wide is the pelmet?"
        The answer included swag width if opened out. The fact that the swags were attached to the pelmet, which is obvious from the picture, as it is all one piece of fabric. The length of the swags. The length, of the curtains. Both the gathered width and ungathered width of the curtains...

        I emailed back with the width of my window, and got a reply saying I would need to extend the pelmet. STILL NO RUDDY MEASUREMENT!! Aaaaarrrrggggghhh

        Yes, I've been to the rant thread, but it didn't 'do it' for me. Time for that fresh air...
        All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
        Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


        • Still sitting here thinking about doing something...not as though I've nothing to do! Would really love to go back to bed but better not! Need some motivation!!


          • Morning, I've done my jumping about before coming on the vine today thought it best to get it over with because I feel lazy today. Leaves to rake then some shopping.
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Morning all!..well, actually it's afternoon here!

              Just about to light the fire .

              Feeling pretty rough with my ear so I've been gently tidying up, hand washing a few clothes and just generally pottering indoors.

              Can't believe it's December on Monday!....yey!!!!

              ...and for all those 'crimble grumps' .....
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarternooooooooon Peeps!

                Well, I'm back. Fresh air did me good, and the Dawgs got a good run. I've left 'em outside as they're filthy again. They're entertaining themselves by barking at everyone they can, and I DON'T CARE for once. At least when they're noisy, I know where they are!

                Hubby has had a short day, and is washing cars, well, I hope he's done mine too. Although, I did give it a quickie t'other day. Oh well, I suppose I'd better try and get my head out of gardening mode, and into accounts mode. It won't be easy...

                All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                • Yes please, G4.

                  Not sure why I bothered to hang the washing out this morning it is just hanging on the line doing nothing.

                  Feeling smug as I did a load up running up and down a hill like a loon at lunchtime. Legs feeling good ready for Sunday.

                  Not as smug as Bren who did her jumping around this morning, and DEFINITELY not as smug as Trip who not only ran, but got into work for 7am

                  Right there's more files to be shuffled....


                  • Well, he didn't wash mine, so I've sent him out in it to get some milk and bog-rolls. I've shut the Chooks in their run early, hosed the mud off the dogs and towelled them off. They're now beating each-other up in the hall. More hair to clear up...

                    Still haven't managed to get brain into the required gear. But I have managed to eat a whole packet of caramel digestives! May need another coffee.
                    All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                    Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                    • Originally posted by Glutton4... View Post
                      But I have managed to eat a whole packet of caramel digestives! May need another coffee.
                      Not sure about needing another coffee, I'd be needing to be sick if I'd just put away a WHOLE PACKET of caramel digestives!



                      • Well its tea and cake time here just eaten a apple and blackberry slice
                        Checked the freezer and I've enough sliced apples to make 3 more cakes before I need to use shop bought ones.
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • I've just eaten an apple doughnut

                          Just had a phone call:-
                          "Can I speak to Mrs S?"
                          Me - Why?
                          "I'm not trying to sell you anything, Its just a courtesy call to...........mumble, mumble, mumble....."
                          Me - I can't hear a word you're saying
                          They raise the volume "to see if you've ever worked in a noisy environment or factory"

                          Do you think that they deliberately speak quietly and indistinctly - to convince people that they're going deaf and should claim

                          Time wasters - I had to put my doughnut down to answer the phone


                          • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                            Time wasters - I had to put my doughnut down to answer the phone
                            Hope Bessie didn't just up and take a bite
                            Location....East Midlands.


                            • No, Bren, but it wouldn't be the first time I've found her pawprints on the table. I have to remember to push the chairs under the table, or she's up on the table, then onto the worksurface, looking for anything edible
                              Can't let her in with the chooks either, as she pinched an egg, brought it into the house and ate it, shell as well.


                              • Good evening peeps...Hope everyone is having a good day so far


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