Heimlich manoeuvre don't work so well with dogs does it Kitty?
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Originally posted by rustylady View PostHeimlich manoeuvre don't work so well with dogs does it Kitty?
To which Kitty replies ............
Last edited by bearded bloke; 15-02-2014, 07:06 PM.He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity
Jake loves pigs ears but has to play with them first a right performance.......but funny..
I don't do shakespeare either G4 for exactly the same reason ...school
'twas still flippin' windy this morning , no damage here . One door hanging off lottie shed and the pallet fence leaning so had to untie my supports for my cordon trees off it just in case it went over and ripped my trees out ..but apart from that all ok even covers still on the brassicas,
Heard about someones chimney stack that came down and fell between their two cars missing both of them ...S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber
You can't beat a bit of garden porn
Originally posted by Scarlet View PostWe'll my Rhino GH is in one piece but my old one is now missing 12 panes of glassand the wind is still howling!
Originally posted by Nicos View Postcalm and warmish here this morning!
I thought it looked brighter in the bedroom when I woke up...Snow perchance????...nope....
the top half of a tree is down in the garden!
Funny thing is that we are both thrilled as we've been discussing for over 3 years about lopping the top- but it was a 50 ft Xmas treeplanted out about 30 years ago and we'd of had to get a tree surgeon in to do it.
Worrying thing was that we have a trellis work with plants growing up it disguising the 3 compost bins, a fence, a small garden shed and 3 small fruit trees and the potager all within 15 ft of the base...and you'd never guess...it fell into a gap between the trees and the potager and absolutely nothing is damaged!!
...so, job done by Nature, no damage and a lighter house and garden..... just can't believe our luck!!!!
Went to collect my flower buckets today and spread some manure on the beds.... Sowed some beetroot and cabbage seeds in greenhouse....I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....
...utterly nutterly
I got down the allotment today. had to re-fasten the debris netting back over the brassicas but luckily no other problems from the storms so I'm very happy. We've been promised a dry night (though cold) and a dry day tomorrow so I'm hoping to get some more digging done.
Morning, all. Going to get some breakfast before Going home; need to check if poly is still there! A bit scared.
Shakespeare was hysterically funny. Not quite RSC; but funny.
Back shortly
Good morning peeps,what a lovely day so far,am actually looking forwards to going the lottie on my own,i shall take some sarnies ext,i need to have a chill out,and get back in tune with life again,but breakfast and a seed sort first priority's,i will go in the warm green house,and sow some peas,sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these
Glorious morning - sunny, calm, dry, overnight frost has gorn, coffee in hand, washing machine going, T&J on now
Had such a good night's sleep last night - no wind to keep me awake
May have to catch up with T&J later as the sun is drawing me out into the garden.................
Have a great day everyone
Morning all..
Frost earlier but a beautiful sunny morning now...
Typical too... herself wants to go pick some paint for the kids rooms..... and my "opinion is necessary"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....
...utterly nutterly
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