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  • Originally posted by Glutton4... View Post
    Right lovely Peeps, I'm off to soak my arris in the tub, then scoff me grub, on me lap whilst watching the Rugger. Out early tomorrow too, so play nicely without me!
    Make sure you don't cast a clout and they're on the right way round Enjoy your day.
    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


    • Back from dog training class tonight - Rosie learned a new trick in seconds flat having watched the trainer demonstrate. Wish she would learn the basics as quickly! One of the other owners in the class cast an eye over her and said she was 'small for a Springer' which pleased me a bit as I like her just the way she is. However I am a bit crestfallen about her demonstrable lack of training in class - and me a teacher an' all.
      Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


      • Evening all...
        Quiet here tonight..

        Just played Thomas the Train with 2 year old, read him a story and he all tucked up now... Now safely ensconced on the couch in front of warm fire with a nice cuppa.... Glass of red to follow hopefully... Taking it easy tonight tho as I have a bunch of 6 year olds to train in the morning...
        I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

        ...utterly nutterly


        • My OH used to change the train track around every week - more for himself than the kids!
          Last edited by Scarlet; 21-02-2014, 09:38 PM.


          • Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
            My OH used to change the train track around every week - more for himself than the kids!
            Yep, I enjoy it as much as he does if am honest.....
            I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

            ...utterly nutterly


            • Looks like I'm the back marker tonight. A night in the pub followed by a curry, and have been watching Gregory's Girl on the box (again).

              I've given up on teenage angst tho' and am just polishing off a glass of the first bottle of 2012's 'parsnip sherry' before gathering the cats & their supper.

              Nos da! x
              Last edited by Hazel at the Hill; 22-02-2014, 12:03 AM.


              • Went out last night and put the new gear on the standynag. He was not impressed with his new red bridle and his new red and black western saddle pad. He wasn't too keen on daughter hopping on either. He hasn't been ridden in a year, and not much then! She was braver than me.

                Farrier was here this mornin and did a barefoot trim for me on the nags, was a bit worried he might say sod off if I wanted him to change his habits. But he didn't. Even put the oil on their hooves for us before we let them go.

                Lovely day here, altho smoky when we got up. Couple of small fires around but no wind so seems to be ok.
                Trying to decide about more chooks......
                Attached Files
                Last edited by Feral007; 22-02-2014, 01:50 AM.

                My blog:

                Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

                One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

                Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


                • Hi feral....just popping in.
                  Lovely bridle!

         just brought back memories of my teenage life!
                  A friend and I used to spend all our free time helping a horse dealer back in the '70's backing 3 yr olds straight off the hills from Ireland. Not even halter broken!
                  Basic handling,tacking up,backing then gentle riding just to get the feel so they could be sold as backed and ready to bring on....all within 2-3 weeks!
                  Gently handled most were trusting souls.
        've got to have a lot of trust in the person at the head end of the horse when you finally decide it's Ok to from leaning over the saddle to swinging that leg over!

                  Many years later we saw Monty Roberts do much the same things!
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • Thanks Nicos! I need some things to brave me up! Riding teacher is busy for 2 weeks and I'm so keen to get him re-started. He's a funny boy, quite stubborn but curious as. And he will let you do a lot, but he did not enjoy riding when he first started. Need to find his inner riding horse But I'm determined to, because I love him. I can only do a little bit of riding as I'm stiff and getting stiffer, so he doesn't have to do lots, just do it happily. I'm busting to get to the bit where we go have lovely little rides in the autumn and spring. And sleep in, in winter!

                    Daughter off to the Canberra show with friends. I'm off to work tomorrow, so lots of organising of uniforms and food tonight.

                    And yes, I is getting more chooks How did you guess.

                    There are 200 chooks for free about an hour away. I thought battery/barn hens. But altho it's a commercial egg place their hens are proper free range, so getting three of them, and two 18 week australorpe x's. Should be fun next wednesday. Hope my ex battie's behave themselves and don't give the newbies a hard time.

                    My blog:

                    Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

                    One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

                    Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


                    • Morning All...Sunshine & nippiness again. Hurrah! The water is receding from the garden. Hurrah!

                      VC Where have you sited your peach tree and do you get much fruit from it? I was seriously tempted by one in L!dl yesterday - I may have to purchase of it now.

                      Nice meal last night celebrating our anniversary and the sister's birthday. Just Wevversppons, but still good.


                      Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

                      ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

                      Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


                      • Originally posted by Feral007 View Post

                        There are 200 chooks for free about an hour away. I thought battery/barn hens. But altho it's a commercial egg place their hens are proper free range, so getting three of them, and two 18 week australorpe x's. Should be fun next wednesday. Hope my ex battie's behave themselves and don't give the newbies a hard time.
                        Only three!! I'm getting a few extra this week, a friend has started working away and her OH isn't looking her chooks sad for her but good news for me!
                        Last edited by Scarlet; 22-02-2014, 09:33 AM.


                        • Morning all

                          After a(nother) cuppa I shall be de-feathering the drive,a sparrowhawk had a pigeon for breakfast,messy eater put feathers & blood all over the place chooks are a bit stressed & hiding in the coop at the moment
                          He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

                          Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


                          • There were lots and lots of feathers on my lawn a little while ago when a cat ravaged a pigeon - messy. Lovely day here too, bright sunshine, but really cold. Lots to do, so better get on. See you later, have a good day
                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • Morning all... Nice morning here.. Done coaching the Under 7s, so quick cuppa and off to bring eldest to her soccer match.. They haven't played in ages due to the wet weather so they will be very rusty I'd say
                              I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                              ...utterly nutterly


                              • Right. Bed changed, 2 x washing on the line, dishwasher on the go, house dusted, bathroom cleaned, house vacuumed.

                                I'm off for a run - see ya later!


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