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  • Morning all!

    Oh gosh must be beside yourself with worry. He's in the right place.. I'm sure.they'll sort him out soon x
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • Yes - thanks Nicos. I keep telling myself that and I do believe it (mostly except in dark moments).


      • Morning, it's definitely not sunny here, hopefully later. Toffee and choc chip muffins are in the oven smelling great. Busy weekend with big football and little football this weekend, so no time for volunteering. Littlies are county cup finals, such a big honour in my kids day, by the poor attendance nowadays maybe not so. Big ones just require 40 portions if sausages and chips, cooked yesterday afternoon. Onwards and upwards.
        PS the chatting potatoes look bang on target chit wise
        Nannys make memories


        • Originally posted by susieq100 View Post
          Yes - thanks Nicos. I keep telling myself that and I do believe it (mostly except in dark moments).
          Thinking of you and wishing your husband a speedy recovery, what a worry for you. Hope you able to get out and do something nice for yourself today.

          Sending positive thoughts, take care.


          • Moooooooooooooornin' Peeps! Sorry to hear your woes Susie, fingers crossed they sort him out. We have bright-ish here but I'm not up an' about yet"


            Hahahahahahaha! I've done it!
            Last edited by Glutton4...; 08-03-2014, 07:50 AM.
            All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
            Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


            • Morning all

              Dull but dry here today,fingers crossed for a speedy recovery Suzie,positive thoughts sent.
              He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

              Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


              • Morning all. Bit grey here at the mo, but it's supposed to improve later.

                What have you done now G4?

                Best wishes for a full recovery for Suzie's OH.


                • Morning all. Grey here too at the mo. I need to do some housework then I can go and plant shallots.

                  Thinking of you, Susie, and Mr Q - makes you realise that your own concerns are trivial compared to what others are going through. ((hugs))

                  Woke up in a panic before the alarm went off as I thought it was race day and I'd overslept. (note to self: phone big bro later and confirm arrangements for the morning).

                  Right - best shake a leg - see ya later.


                  • Oh my - an eventful start to the day - there I was, sitting in my dressing gown, sipping coffee and browsing the vine - and I get a phone call from the tree surgeon I accosted yesterday asking about his wood chippings and could I have some for the lottie. I never thought I would hear from him, but he was pulled on to the place beside my plot just about to deliver the second load! I have never got dressed and out of the house so fast - forgot to close the baby gate as I dashed upstairs to dress and was followed up by a very curious Rosie who has only been up there a couple of times Dash off to the plot with Rosie in the car, and the guy refused to take anything for diesel or a pint - just so pleased with two beautiful stacks of leafless poplar shreddings for my paths and anyone else's paths on the lottie site.
                    These things almost never happen to me!
                    Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                    • Found the cat that the dog was chasing yesterday morning, or rather granddaughter did

                      Attached Files


                      • Originally posted by rustylady View Post
                        ... What have you done now G4? ...
                        Nothing, I just haven't changed it again!

                        Hahahahahahaha! I've done it!
                        Last edited by Glutton4...; 08-03-2014, 11:32 AM.
                        All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                        Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                        • Oh boy it is hot out there- 23 degrees on my wing mirror sensor. Better turn the central heating off in case it clicks on when I am out this afternoon.

                          Now I have worked out why G4 is chuckling and what she has done I can go back to my poddling around.
                          Last edited by Jeanied; 08-03-2014, 01:04 PM.
                          Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                          • Best Wishes to you both Susie x Well done Jeanie, what a lovely surprise for you. Cute cat RL, is it in your house? Bit dull here today, but blowing the washing. Have made the sausage rolls for the girlies, cleaned the house and now about to do some ironing. Oh and yay, my new pillows have arrived. I hope these live up to their labelling as "bounce back" because the others didn't. Hoping no neck ache tomorrow. Good luck for tomorrow Hazel. See you all later
                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • Originally posted by Jeanied View Post
                              ... Now I have worked out why G4 is chuckling and what she has done I can go back to my poddling around.

                              The above statement is my own opinion, and not necessarily that of 'The Management'
                              All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                              Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                              • Yes Flo, the cat was in my kitchen - on top of the wall cupboard. I let the dog out for her morning wee yesterday and while I was making my cuppa I heard her racing round the garden.

                                Went to see what was going on, and saw her chasing a little black cat round the garden. As I opened the back door to shout the cat dived through my legs into the back porch. Managed to shut the door to keep the dog out while the cat was bouncing round the porch knocking flowerpots and compost all over the place.

                                Cat then proceeded through to the kitchen where it was trying to climb the tiled wall. Went back to make sure the outside door was shut properly and when I got back to the kitchen the cat had disappeared. Looked in the obvious places (inside the washing machine, down beside the washing machine, gaps beside and behind the fridge / freezer. No cat.

                                Checked the front room and the living room, no cat. Checked my bedroom (which was the only other room with an open door), no cat. I assumed it must have managed to get out of the living room fanlight window which was open.

                                Brought dog back into the house on her lead, just in case I'd missed seeing the cat. Dog was perfectly calm and settled on the sofa for a snooze, which reinforced my belief that the cat had left the premises.

                                Grandchildren came round this morning and while we were in the kitchen little Evie pointed up to the cupboard and said "CAT". Daughter and I looked up and there it was. Must have been up there since yesterday morning.

                                Shut the dog in the front room and managed to coax cat down where it made friends with the kids, and it then went for a leisurely stroll in the back garden before leaving over the back fence.


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