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  • Evening every body, just managed to finish weeding when the rain arrived, so glad as it saved me having to water, but so sad as had planned on sitting outside with the chiminea on and a nice glass or three of wine. Never mind have no excuse not to finish making the curtains now
    Dogs have masters, cats have slaves, and horses are just wonderful


    • Well finally started my first day working at Lincoln Hospital. Considering that they have an extreme shortage of sonographers and the waiting lists are out of control as a consequence, it has only taken the HR department 8 weeks to process my paperwork so I could start!
      Dogs have masters, cats have slaves, and horses are just wonderful


      • Well the roll of thunder turned out to be the preliminary announcement of a small rain shower - so now we are hot and humid all at once- small fan on overnight will be needed again
        Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


        • Originally posted by Bal View Post
          Evening every body, just managed to finish weeding when the rain arrived, so glad as it saved me having to water, but so sad as had planned on sitting outside with the chiminea on and a nice glass or three of wine. Never mind have no excuse not to finish making the curtains now
          You can always join me on the sheltered back step with a glass of apple wine watching the rain in the courtyard, Bal.

          Originally posted by Bal View Post
          Well finally started my first day working at Lincoln Hospital. Considering that they have an extreme shortage of sonographers and the waiting lists are out of control as a consequence, it has only taken the HR department 8 weeks to process my paperwork so I could start!
          Perhaps there is also a shortage of HR people....


          • Evening all...
            Just finished watching the World Cup, so checking in..
            Glass of red now in hand...
            Looking forward to a rest tomorrow, and am going to have a go at making a pea frame.......he says optimistically
            I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

            ...utterly nutterly


            • I'm not usually up this early on a Saturday but the cat woke me.

              It's wet and orrible here this morning. Still the allotment needs the rain desperately. If it dries up a bit later I might even be able to get a fork into the ground for the first time since the spring!

              In the meantime I should spend some time on my blog, seems like a perfect job for a wet Saturday.
              My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
              Chrysanthemum notes page here.


              • Been up for a couple of hours!! Wet and miserable here too. Going to get into flower bed soon and rescue gladiolas beaten down flat from all this rain. Why did I ask for it to rain.? Now I want the sun back!! Never happy!


                • Morning all, nice bit of rain through the night, definitely had more rain than you Jeanied, it's soaking out there. The ground really needed it. Going to pick my last two strawberries today to have with breakfast. Funny thing yesterday, bought a large tub of strawberry yoghurt from Lids yesterday, got it home and it is only the lid that says it's strawberry, the main pot is labelled up as apricot and mango or something similar. All sealed up, so no lid swapping has occurred. Will let you know later what I really had for breakfast. Laters
                  Nannys make memories


                  • Morning, Mr Pots likes that apricot and mango yoghurt Sally so i'll tell him next time to check both lid and main pot.

                    Originally posted by Uplandlady View Post
                    Been up for a couple of hours!! Wet and miserable here too. Going to get into flower bed soon and rescue gladiolas beaten down flat from all this rain. Why did I ask for it to rain.? Now I want the sun back!! Never happy!
                    So its your fault we've all had rain luckily ours was the nice over night sort of rain and its just about stopped so hopefully we'll get the sunshine back now.
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • Morning all

                      Originally posted by Uplandlady View Post
                      Why did I ask for it to rain.?
                      Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post
                      So its your fault we've all had rain

                      That's the way Bren you tell 'em gal
                      He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

                      Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


                      • Mornin all!

                        Hey up...who has pinched the sun?

                        Wet and blustery here too...don't really mind cos the plants are desperate for a drink and the butts need topping up.
                        My roses still need tying up after the last rain bashing sesh Uplandlady!

                        Collecting my mom( real one) from the airport today...she's staying for 3 weeks!....yipppeeeee!
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • Morning all - we had rain overnight too - thank goodness! I was afraid that I might have to start planting cacti outside. The sky is brightening, still grey and cloudy but not raining at the moment. So, time to get a leg into a pant and pop "up 'Anley duck" to get OH one of those collars you wear on a plane ... his neck aches all the time. Will it help? Who can say? Cucumbers and onions to process for more cucumber relish. Library. I ought to do some housework (aaargghhhhh!) but will save that for later - tomorrow perhaps - it's important to have something to look forward to . Have a good day whatever you are doing.


                          • Well the rain came back last night and watered nicely - it is still dripping out there. Dog found three snails and a slug this morning - molluscs now safely disposed of in a dog poo bag in the bin.
                            I had better get moving - otherwise I fossilize sitting here on the sofa!
                            Last edited by Jeanied; 05-07-2014, 07:54 AM.
                            Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                            • And so it was that BB packed his laptop & headed Northwards,towards the great Bristol carpark & thenst onwards to the even greater Birmingham carpark,such are the joys of travel

                              Later peeps,BB is AFK ...

                              He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

                              Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


                              • Drive safely BB.
                                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                                Location....Normandy France


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