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  • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
    Looks awfully thin Lots of vinegar left over so I've added some cornflour to thicken it, boiled it up and jarred it with some of the courgette gunge. It'll either be fantastic or horrid
    VC it is thin a bit like when you add vinegar to cucs and onions.

    G4 had to google Hibiscus 'Blue Bird' and its a pretty plant
    Location....East Midlands.


    • Blimey - another brain frazzling day behind the desk! Paying off though - I confirmed a couple of chunky orders today, and as a by-product, the In Tray is looking (slightly) less Leaning-Tower-of-Pisa-like!

      I'm looking forward to Wednesday night pub night - but before that there's a training session to do, the washing to get it, the Vine to catch up with ......... and a cup of coffee!


      • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
        Looks awfully thin Lots of vinegar left over so I've added some cornflour to thicken it, boiled it up and jarred it with some of the courgette gunge. It'll either be fantastic or horrid
        I had the same problem when I potted up my courgette chutney - took advice from my mum and my colleague and we discussed thickening with cornflour. I didn't like the sound of that, so I strained off all the juice (which is basically sugar and vinegar and boiled it for maybe half an hour until it reduced by a good half and had thickened up quite a lot.

        Repotted the chunks, then poured in the syrup and gave each pot a stir before putting the lids on. Looks like it should do, now, and I'll know after the Show on Sunday if it's any good or not!


        • Originally posted by Jeanied View Post
          It was lovely to have you over NS - Rosie was (mostly) well behaved and guess who is quiet as a lamb now. Now you have seen the extent of my task with the lottie you can be my cheerleader

          Off to the park in a while and then back to tackle some more battling with the stuff mountain - but at least my dining table is clear
          Your Lottie is going to take more than a Cheerleader Jean lol. Big strong men need be applying. You have started on your stuff mountain, and that is the hardest bit. I will always give you a hand with it 😀
          Nannys make memories


          • What a star NS!
            I have your lovely runner beans steaming for my supper - Rosie has already approved of one
            Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


            • We had some too, very nice they were
              Nannys make memories


              • Yum yum - very tender and tasty - so nice.

                Have just put the word out on Streetwise that I am looking for lottie help at a reasonable rate!
                Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                • By crikey it's hot and sticky out there! After an hour's running, my face is the same colour as my neon pink running top.

                  I'm glad I put the lamb in a low oven before I went out - just need to put the spuds on to simmer whilst I'm in the bath.


                  • Originally posted by Jeanied View Post
                    Yum yum - very tender and tasty - so nice.

                    Have just put the word out on Streetwise that I am looking for lottie help at a reasonable rate!
                    I am subscribed, so will look out for it
                    Nannys make memories


                    • Ooops I meant Streetlife - where is my head these days

                      ETA - Rosie has just come in and sat on the sofa with her 'snail face' on - she holds her mouth in a particular way. Indeed she had a snail which I managed to snaffle off her before it got sliming all over the sofa.
                      Last edited by Jeanied; 06-08-2014, 08:48 PM.
                      Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                      • What a great day! In order to maintain the cosmic balance, some poor blighter must have had a complete mare of a day!

                        Me - I've worked hard, got a couple of results, had a good training session, excellent tea, spent a nice evening with good company in the pub, and now have the cat curled up by my knees in bed, telling me it's time to turn in.

                        Sound advice, Domino. So with that, I'll bid you all goodnight. Sweet dreams, all.


                        • Ok, plan for the day:- breakfast, up to plot, prepare bed ready for winter cabbage and broccoli, that's waiting to be planted out. Veg cage to be constructed at weekend.

                          Then this afternoon, make some raspberry jam, with addition of blackberries.

                          This evening, concoct another dinner using courgettes ! Good thing we like them.


                          • Morning all! I can see sunshine here from behind my desk!

                            Be prepared for me posting from the moral high ground later on as I am giving blood at lunchtime. Lots to do before then.

                            Originally posted by Dorothy rouse View Post
                            Ok, plan for the day:- breakfast, up to plot, prepare bed ready for winter cabbage and broccoli, that's waiting to be planted out. Veg cage to be constructed at weekend.

                            Then this afternoon, make some raspberry jam, with addition of blackberries.

                            This evening, concoct another dinner using courgettes ! Good thing we like them.
                            Sounds like a great plan, Dotty - getting the outdoor stuff done before it gets too warm. Can you save me a jar of jam?


                            • Yes, Dotty - I'm with you. Off to the plot for an hour or so this morning, then we will see what we shall see! I am in full pickling mode - spent an hour yesterday labelling jam and pickles in the garage (where I store them). I have made that much cucumber relish it is unreal .... I think I have grown too many cucumbers this year

                              And I have no memory of making that much gooseberry jam either! And the stone fruit aren't ready yet. And I haven't started on the runner bean chutney - mind you I doubt I could ever make enough of that (or piccalilli). Have a good day all.


                              • Originally posted by susieq100 View Post
                                Yes, Dotty - I'm with you. Off to the plot for an hour or so this morning, then we will see what we shall see! I am in full pickling mode - spent an hour yesterday labelling jam and pickles in the garage (where I store them). I have made that much cucumber relish it is unreal .... I think I have grown too many cucumbers this year
                                I've found a couple of cucs hiding so i'll turn those into pickles later on I've only got 3 plants but they've started producing lots of cucs.

                                Originally posted by Dorothy rouse View Post

                                This evening, concoct another dinner using courgettes ! Good thing we like them.
                                We're having courgette fritters tonight not sure what else with yet probably arran pilot and runner beans.
                                Location....East Midlands.


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