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  • Evening all!

    Head still boggled by insurance matters, but it's all becoming a bit clearer, I guess, and tomorrow I will have all the options written down to compare properly. . I do feel a bit thick, though - seems like I should grasped all this quite easily, but it's like thinking through treacle.

    I shall clear my head with a run - long uphill repeats tonight. Only 3 of 'em, but each drag is ½ km.


    • Originally posted by Jay22 View Post
      You eat a lot of Spag Bol Carrie!
      My fella and sister love it when I make it and cannot get enough of it. Fella says he likes it better when I make it coz I make it better then him. So no complaining there ha.

      I think the past few weeks we have been having it nearly 2wise a week lol

      Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum


      • Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeevenin' Peeps! Will you stop it with the food talk!? I'm famished, and Hubby won't tell me what we're having, or when.

        All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
        Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


        • It's dark, and it's only half past seven (Maybe that should have been on the Rant Thread)

          Not a bad day weatherwise - misty this morning, and overcast most of the day, but at least it was dry and warmish.


          • Originally posted by Hazel at the Hill View Post
            I shall clear my head with a run - long uphill repeats tonight. Only 3 of 'em, but each drag is ½ km.
            Head cleared, legs knackered! And yellow sticker duck spring rolls for half price bought from little Morries at the end of the road now in the freezer.

            Originally posted by cariann88 View Post
            Just popped on to catch up with you lot and now I am off to make tea, spag bol
            Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post
            We're having saag aloo for tea so the kitchens smells ever so nice
            Originally posted by Glutton4... View Post
            Will you stop it with the food talk!? I'm famished, and Hubby won't tell me what we're having, or when.
            You won't like this either, then G4 - I took a portion of roast breast of lamb out the freezer earlier on, and it's been in the slow oven in oodles of gravy whilst I've been out running. Smells luvverly.

            And yes, RL, dark at 7.30 - I don't like it a bit.


            • ... and now I'm watching Bake-off!

              I weakened, and had a bowl of cereal after my cuppa, then got busy to take my mind off it. He's dishing it up now - whatever it is, it smells amazing!
              All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
              Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


              • Originally posted by Martin H View Post
                Florence, how rude!
                Oops, sorry Martin, I meant pea poles instead of peeple I consider myself told off, particularly because you used my Sunday name. Hope it wasn't a Freudian slip
                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                • Poor middle Golden Girl went into spasm again at teatime and was being sick with the pain. She's back in A & E again. I sincerely hope they get to the root cause this time.
                  Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                  • Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
                    Poor middle Golden Girl went into spasm again at teatime and was being sick with the pain. She's back in A & E again. I sincerely hope they get to the root cause this time.
                    Aww, hope everything is alright and they find out what is wrong with her

                    Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum


                    • Good Morning All. Gloomy and damp here today, I'm beginning to wish it would absolutely belt it down with rain - it would be better than this miserable wet mist. GG got home about 10 again with painkiillers - they're not sure if it is muscle spasm, hope the MRI is soon. Have a good day
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • Morning everyone, a bit dull this morning but not cold. Have been really enjoying the beautiful weather we have been having recently. Tomatoes still ripening which we have been enjoying too. Have a great day folks.


                        • Morning I'm sharing Flo's weather again today don't think its going to stop me doing anything outdoors so thats good. first thing to do is to give the compost bins a stir.
                          Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
                          Good Morning All. Gloomy and damp here today, I'm beginning to wish it would absolutely belt it down with rain - it would be better than this miserable wet mist. GG got home about 10 again with painkiillers - they're not sure if it is muscle spasm, hope the MRI is soon. Have a good day
                          Flo i hope the doc soon find what's causing GG all this pain
                          Location....East Midlands.


                          • Morning all. Bright enough here but no sun as yet. No more toothache (yay) so hopefully I will have a bit more enthusiasm for stuff than of late.

                            To those north of the border, don't forget to vote and vote wisely.

                            Have a good day everyone!
                            My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                            Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                            • we have the orrible wet mist as well and it does get depressing. I'm still in my pj's and dressing gown .
                              Still, it is interesting seeing all the spider's webs in the hedges


                              • Morning All. Sorry to rub it in - but its sunshiny here again. A bit breezy so the washing's on. Still waiting for rain - maybe later, or tomorrow
                                Going to get stuck into some jam making next - wish me luck, I'm out of my confidence zone with jam
                                Hope Flo's GG is better soon - and those of you with teeth have a painfree and free day!!
                                Have a smiley one for me please


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