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  • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
    That's brilliant Scarlet
    I've flipped your photo but can't enlarge it Sorry!
    Love the cake so I edited VC photo so we can see the enlarged photo. your boys are going to be really pleased.
    Last edited by Bren In Pots; 15-11-2014, 04:28 PM.
    Location....East Midlands.


    • Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
      [ATTACH=CONFIG]51193[/ATTACH]My cake topper is doing well - feeling very chuffed! Though they will be home from rugby in 10mins so it will have to go in hiding until they get on their computers later

      Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
      That's brilliant Scarlet
      I've flipped your photo but can't enlarge it Sorry!
      Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post
      Love the cake so I edited VC photo so we can see the enlarged photo. your boys are going to be really pleased.
      How many Mods does it take to put a photo on here?



      • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
        How many Mods does it take to put a photo on here?

        That's technology for you
        Location....East Midlands.


        • Evening, folks! All well?

          I'm in the kitchen prepping a stuffed squash. It's this recipe but using squash and not marrow.

          Just need to nip out to Aldi for onions. Might pop into little Morries and see if there are any yellow stickers with my name on...

          Back in a bit.


          • Good evening. I have hardly done anything today apart from tidy up and do the laundry. Now I have just poured myself a large vodka, anyone want some?


            • Evening anyone there?

              Had the dentist this morning - so glad I took painkillers before I went, so it meant I didn't leap all over the place everytime a nerve was jangled.

              My reward on the way home was a trip to C*st* coffee and a flat white!
              I was supposed to go to the lottie this afternoon but the heavens opened just before I was ready... so I had a nap on the sofa with the puppy - woken up an hour and a half later by my wet cat jumping onto me - the puppy hid under the sofa throw!

              So off to the park instead - Rosie rushing around with lots of dogs chasing her - she was after the ball and they were after her! Great exercise for everyone but the mist rolled in at waist height making the whole park look very atmospheric!

              Now both dogs are flat out and I am plotting for an early night
              Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


              • Right - now I am worried about the stuffed squash thing that I am making.

                I have chopped the onions, crushed the garlic, sliced the mushrooms (10p on a yellow sticker btw ), browned the mince, added the tomato puree, then the chopped squash flesh, and a tin of tomatoes.

                Then I beat three eggs and stir into the mixture, then I am supposed to use the whole shebang to stuff the squash.

                The squash is not remotely big enough.

                In fact, the mixture is too much for my big wok plus the overflow in the big frying pan, and I haven't added the eggs yet.

                It is taking over the world.


                • Stuff the squash with what you can, and tray bake the rest!
                  Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                  • We've just finished our dinner - you will be proud of me Hazel, stickered red sirloin steak!! Boys were very pleased with me. Unfortunately my chilled white wine (sorry, don't like the red stuff!) froze solid in the freezer


                    • Brilliant Scarlet!! Very cool; I'm sure the lads will think so too..

                      Well I got all my daffodils and tulips planted... Well over 100 bulbs planted in all
                      Also found some spuds I had kinda forgotten about, so I dug them up and would you believe they were amongst the best of my spuds from all year!!

                      Going to start thinking about moving and adding to my compost bin set up soon too

                      Anyway, now time for a beer and relax by the fire with the kids...
                      I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                      ...utterly nutterly


                      • Feels like nearly bedtime. Spent this morning pruning the climbing roses which are either side of the porch. Gave them a really good tidy up as the house was turning into Sleeping Beauty's castle! Shredding it all took ages.
                        Now we've had the phone call I've been dreading, an invite to the Outlaws for Chrimbo. I don't mean to sound ungrateful but MinL is barely able to produce a simple dinner in less than 3 hours, so we won't sit down til late and the meal will take about 4 hours. Before now we've started opening presents at 8pm. Then there is tea to get through...


                        • Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
                          We've just finished our dinner - you will be proud of me Hazel, stickered red sirloin steak!! Boys were very pleased with me. Unfortunately my chilled white wine (sorry, don't like the red stuff!) froze solid in the freezer
                          So you've got a lollipop for afters
                          Location....East Midlands.


                          • Slush puppy, Bren! !


                            • There's never enough room to put everything back into the squash/marrow Hazel. But that means there's lots of tasty leftovers. I've never put egg in ours though. I do put cheese on top. And breadcrumbs sometimes.

                              My blog:

                              Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

                              One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

                              Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


                              • Originally posted by Jeanied View Post
                                Stuff the squash with what you can, and tray bake the rest!
                                Great minds think alike, Jeanie! I had the extra with pasta.

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