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Whats the oddest question you've been asked?


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  • Whats the oddest question you've been asked?

    I thought I'd throw this one open after a mind blowing conversation with my 6 year old at 5.30 this morning. She woke me up to ask me "where do fish swim to in the sea?" then followed by "how do fish know they are swimming with the same fish as themselves?". When told to go back to bed she replied "how can fish sleep when they can't close their eyes?"
    Yep she does think out of the box. I sometimes think she isn't in the same room as the box.
    So everyone what is the most weird question you've been asked.

  • #2
    In my former role as an information assistant I've been asked many weird and wonderful things including:

    Where can I relieve myself?
    Can you give me directions to the GUH clinic?
    Where can I find a massage parlour?

    Perhaps those weren't the sort of questions you had in mind.


    • #3
      From one of my wonderful grandchildren:

      Nanny, how do you know if you're dead?


      Nanny, when you're dead can I have your jewellery?


      • #4
        A man once entered our care home triggering the alarm, I caught him going up the stairs and followed him up, He was about to enter a clients room when i challenged him, He said "Where abouts is Torquay harbour"? I evicted him and called the police.
        photo album of my garden in my profile


        • #5
          We used to do craft fairs. At a particular venue we used to have a 'gentleman of the road' who used to pop in to get warm and have a free cup of tea (he wasn't supposed to, it was just for us, but still....) and he was convinced he was a vegan. You can't be a vegan with a milky tea in one hand and sausage roll in the other.....

          .....But anyhoo. He used to walk around all the tables and chat. His standard question was 'Is this suitable for Vegans?' I can understand that when it's chocolate, or soap etc but when it's carved wood or painted glass, it causes confusion. You could watch him go from table to table and looks on the crafter's faces were brilliant!

          As for children's questions, we've lost count of the amount of weird and wonderful stuff our kids have come out with - they're all grown up now. The youngest thinks outside of the box - so far out that he's a total spaceman sometimes.

          Last year we went to my great-niece's 5th birthday party. I don't see her very often, so when I do I usually have to remind her who I am. She down next to me to eat her bbq lunch, and said 'Why do you look like my Nanny?' I was totally taken aback and extremely impressed by this observation - my sister (her Nanny) and I have never really thought we looked alike! Then she pointed to another lady and said 'You look like her too' The other lady was my mother!

          Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

          ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

          Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


          • #6
            Seriously, for kids (or grown-ups for that matter) that ask these sort of questions, I thoroughly recommend the New Scientist series of books starting with "Does anything eat Wasps" and followed up with "Why don't penguins feet freeze", "How to fossilise your Hamster" and many more. They are full of the most bizarre and fascinating facts you could imagine.


            • #7
              My grandson said to his Dad, 'I wish we had a 'Red TV' dad, then we could watch ' whatever kiddies film' , he meant 'Blue Ray'.


              • #8
                I used to work with young people, and used to run sexual health workshops, well I can't begin to tell you some of the things I was asked!


                • #9
                  Probably best Dotty

                  Not so much an odd question as one that bought a tear to my eye. Step daughter asked me "was I like that when I was a baby?" I don't know said I, oh yeah, said she, I forgot I inherited her when she was 11
                  A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


                  • #10
                    Youngest grandson poking at a brace of pheasants hung on the shed door,

                    ' Nana how do you know they're dead'

                    I think it was the first time he'd seen a dead bird that wasn't oven ready.
                    Last edited by Bren In Pots; 16-01-2014, 12:35 PM.
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • #11
                      "Could you tell me what time the next ferry to Santander is, and how much it costs?" Working in a bookshop in Plymouth at the time.

                      And in the early days - "So what's all the fuss about this Harry Potter. What's he written, then?"
                      Le Sarramea


                      • #12
                        Too many to mention after 13 years in a call centre.

                        Why can't I change channels on tv with my phone? being just one...

                        I also know of a young teen at the doctors with her boyfriend thinking she was pregnant. When asked for a sample to test she was too nervous to go so her boyfriend asked if his would do.
                        When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it.
                        If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant.


                        • #13
                          I remember when my son was young he asked me ' When you die do you want to be buried or crucified?' He meant cremated I think (I hope)


                          • #14
                            A colleague at work recently asked "if you could be a person of the opposite gender who would it be?" - apparently he would like to be Doris Day!


                            • #15
                              While working in a shoe shop I was asked the best way to carry a shoe box to the car. When I answered the same way you've carried it to the till they looked at me like I was stupid!

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