I'd value any ideas for composting cooked food. I've tried Bokashi and found some good in it, but in a year it leaked quite extensively in the kitchen 4 times despite the fact that I'd drained it consistently and hardly any poured off. As well as that, the brochure said it would compost fully in 6-8 weeks (having of course left it for a couple of weeks after it was full); well after 4 months it was still as I'd emptied it. I tried it on the compost bin and tried burying it with a light layer of earth on top. No joy.
I'd love some suggestions about this please. And yes, there is a dog here who takes care of some of it.
The Vine is so full of grapes with good ideas, I feel there must be more than one method for composting cooked food.
I'd love some suggestions about this please. And yes, there is a dog here who takes care of some of it.
The Vine is so full of grapes with good ideas, I feel there must be more than one method for composting cooked food.