Do you remember I posted a thread about our puppy who we rescued and he kept exploding etc? Well, He's been house trained, and crate trained overnight (or he wrecks anything in sight) For months now, and is doing brilliantly. Suddenly he started to wet the bed.
REALLY wet it, not just a dribble but, like he's emptied a gallon of water in there. We cannot figure out what's gone wrong. I've stopped giving him chews, in case they have too much salt and he's over compensating by drinking too much water. He's walked twice a day, has access to the garden whenever he wants to go out. He even scratches at the back door, so he's learned, to go out and hold it. We are baffled, the thing is, it is not fun stripping and washing his bedding daily, and disinfecting his cage. But the last week or so his bedding is soaking. Anyone got any ideas or tips, we are truly stumped. The dog whisperer's answer to any bad behaviour is usually that they don't get walked enough. It's not that. We have really started training with him, to see if we can tire his brain out. So lots of, sit, stay, her, sit paw etc. Any help really would be appreciated guys?
