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Half-term homework!


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  • Half-term homework!

    I'm very very happy that my kids go to school and I'm happy to help the best I can in regards to homework however I'm not happy about the amount of homework given during half term!!

    If you take your children out of school for family trips, holidays, or whatever else then you face fines and prosecution yet how are you meant to take them away when they give the kids mammoth amounts of homework to do!

    It seems a little unfair really as if the child has not done the home work they then get humiliated and punished.

    It's like a never ending circle!

    I'm not that bothered as I'm laid up in cast but do feel that if we were off to see family over half term (pre-planned) the amount of homework given would be totally unachievable.

    Anyone else with kids feel the same or am I just seeing this in the wrong light?

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  • #2
    We don't set holiday homework! My niece at her school gets a ridiculous amount for a seven year old. Have you been given a suggested amount of time to spend on it? If so spend that time and no more, even if the task isn't finished.


    • #3
      How old are the children Darcy?


      • #4
        4-6-10 like I said I'm not that bothered but different story if I had planned something!

        Homework was set Friday they broke up and due in there first day back.

        It's all been done already apart from there reading books but now the big things are out the way they will start them tomorrow

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        • #5
          My children are all grown up now, but I look after my grandchildren quite a bit as Mum is now working.

          The younger ones (5, 8 and 9) didn't have any homework set for half-term, and don't seem to get much during the week either. I do check their bags just in case they are trying to pull the wool over my eyes, but it's usually just one or two workpages (maths), a couple of pages of reading, or a list of spellings to learn. Not all on the same day, I hasten to add.


          • #6
            My 10 year old sons homework

            My 6 year old daughters

            And my 4 year olds homework

            My son still has maths homework to complete and they all have reading books to read

            Like I said if we were planning something I don't think this would be achievable.

            Help was given as it's not the easiest for them.

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            • #7
              Well they all done very well Darcy. Must say tho, you make a point that I hadn't thought of, don't think my grandson age 5, had any, just reading.


              • #8
                Fantastic work Darcy and children.

                What was the brief for the homework?


                • #9
                  ..... ......,
                  Last edited by darcyvuqua; 27-02-2014, 10:26 PM.
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                  • #10
                    Flipping heck, that's a bit steep for little children.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by rustylady View Post
                      Flipping heck, that's a bit steep for little children.
                      Yup I thought so if my wife would have booked time off of work to go away I would have not been able to achieve this.

                      But it's done now I shouldn't really complain I just think that it should have been given out sooner so the materials could have been gathered I know for a fact some kids will not achieved there target.

                      Which then separates the little ones who have not had time or pennies to pick up materials we are lucky all boxes and cups come from my wife's work but still spent �20+ on paint & brushes, materials ie coloured tissue paper glittery foam pads it soon mounts up.

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                      • #12
                        Originally posted by darcyvuqua View Post
                        But it's done now I shouldn't really complain I just think that it should have been given out sooner so the materials could have been gathered I know for a fact some kids will not achieved there target.

                        Which then separates the little ones who have not had time or pennies to pick up materials we are lucky all boxes and cups come from my wife's work but still spent �20+ on paint & brushes, materials ie coloured tissue paper glittery foam pads it soon mounts up.
                        Oh dear this is awful.

                        It's hard to know where to start, really. It's really unprofessional, not just to set (compulsory) homework over only half term but to offer no support to those families who can't provide the materials or time. I really can't see any real learning objectives in these projects and cannot imagine what the teachers expect to assess for (i suspect you may get a gold star, Darcy!). If I were you I would write a letter to the head teacher as, judging by the range in ages of your children, this is a whole school policy.

                        For what it's worth, we set project homework for Year 3 upwards. We run two clubs a week in school time with free materials and I lend out materials, sometimes including ICT stuff. At any age, reading should be for pleasure not just homework - sad.

                        If I set homework before a half term I always give the same two weeks of school days in which to complete it. If children ask for holiday homework (and some do!) I have some optional projects for them but I always emphasise that I'd rather they did a project for themselves and if they bring in any work they have done I will look at it and mark it if they want me to. (I am not a saint but one of my daughters had a teacher who ploughed through about 50 000 words of "novel" when told about her holiday project and so I try to do the same for my pupils.)

                        If you really want to get into this, PM me and I can let you have lot more on this! Stand up for the children who don't have the resources and parents yours do, never mind those who can actually go away on holiday.
                        "A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

                        PS. I just don't have enough time to say hello to everyone as they join so please take this as a delighted to see you here!


                        • #13
                          I just think it's a shame as there almost encouraging separation through social classing

                          The kids that go away upperclass
                          The kids that do the homework but don't go anywhere

                          Then the poor little buggers that do neither and it seems to be these little guys that feel the brunt through bullying.

                          And it always is the same little kids be it dress up day/toy day

                          It's almost a set up to allow those children to fail in later life.

                          Ahhhh well I may actually bring it up at the next parent-teacher meeting.

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                          • #14
                            Sorry late joining the conversation. My daughter who is 6 during half term had to have her photo taken in her favourite place to read her books. I went into competitive mom mode and took her down the allotment to sit outside the shed sat in a chair reading her book.
                            But then she had her 3 reading books to go through and her spelling book.
                            Thankfully little boy who is now 4 I just had to fill in a sheet about what he did over the holiday. Dreading September when he goes to school with all the stuff they will bring home then.
                            Darcy how do you cope with 3 children apart from being very organised?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by noviceveggrower View Post
                              Sorry late joining the conversation. My daughter who is 6 during half term had to have her photo taken in her favourite place to read her books. I went into competitive mom mode and took her down the allotment to sit outside the shed sat in a chair reading her book.
                              But then she had her 3 reading books to go through and her spelling book.
                              Thankfully little boy who is now 4 I just had to fill in a sheet about what he did over the holiday. Dreading September when he goes to school with all the stuff they will bring home then.
                              Darcy how do you cope with 3 children apart from being very organised?
                              Pfffft organised no way!!

                              It's only because I have loads of time with my recent op usually we would be going out and spending the odd hour here and there!

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