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  • #16
    Hi folks, Sebbie is home! I am so pleased. He is looking fine and very happy to me!
    It seemed that they sedated him lightly but he took it 'too' well and went right out! he then turned blue and they had to bring him round. vet thinks he may have heart problems.... im worried, but he seems just the same as he ever was. He had some mucus in his throat but nothing stuck in there- good news.A course of antibiotics for him! and a G&T (strong) for me!
    I am angry with myself for not asking questions when I collected him.
    I selfishly jsut wanted to get him back home and happy!
    Thank you all for your help in getting me to the days end....It is hard when you sit alone all day.
    A huge hug to some very very nice people..... all of YOU!


    • #17
      I am ever so pleased for you, I have two cats at home (Jessie & James) and one at work (Willow) and think the world of them.
      Don't be afraid to write to your vet with your questions or call with them written down.
      We have almost lived at the vets for the past two years as Jessie has had epileptic fits, overactive thyroid and now is diabetic �2500 later, I have to give her insulin every morning and evening and check her blood every so often. Our vets in Wigan have been great, ( probably their best customer ) but I know she has put in many hours of research to try and find the solution. We think it may be pancreatitis that is the underlying cause but hey, as long as she is bright eyed and bushy tailed, we are happy.

      Good luck with Sebbie, keep us informed



      • #18
        So pleased to hear you have Sebbie back home and well again Headfry! As dwrudd says, write down your questions and give the vet a ring - it'll put your mind at rest if nothing else. And don't forget to give us another update on how he - and you - get on. Take care, Sue
        Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


        • #19
          So glad to hear Sebbie is home and well. Possibly a slight chill if your weather has been as odd as ours - high summer one day and midwinter the next! Our central heating has been off and on like ..... fill the gap however you feel!
          Happy Gardening,


          • #20
            Headfry that is WONDERFUL news! I'm so pleased for you! Big cuddles all round methinks!
            My first cat Bradden, had a heart condition, but it really didnt seem to bother him at all, and he lived until he was 16 years old.
            We have a strange relationship with our vets dont we? I turn into my mother when shes at the doctors when I go to the vets - I treat them like they are gods - stupid really, I should ask questions but I dont.
            Ramsey was diagnosed with diabetes three summers ago - I was in such a state (it took two weeks for the vets to diagnose what was wrong!!! ) I thought he was going to die and was in a worse state than Ramsey! Needless to say he is fine and dandy now.
            Have you got any photos of Sebbie you can put on the vine? I'd love to see them! Bernie
            Last edited by dexterdoglancashire; 31-05-2007, 11:39 AM.
            Bernie aka DDL

            Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


            • #21
              i'm glad sebbie is ok, HF. write your questions down and give the vet a ring, they are very accomodating, they know how much your animals mean to you.
              sending get well thoughts.
              Yo an' Bob
              Walk lightly on the earth
              take only what you need
              give all you can
              and your produce will be bountifull


              • #22
                Hey, so glad everything turned out ok.

                My two are everything to me, so I understand exactly how you felt.

                I even put up cat proof fencing round the garden to keep them safe as they kept being bullied by other cats. It also keeps my veg safe from other marauding moggies!
                Pepper has a heart condition, it was diagnosed in October and the vet said it didn't look good - 6 months on and he's just as bouncy and happy. At 15 he's doing very well considering. They have loads of medical options available now so what ever may be wrong don't worry about it.
                Do let us know how things go.


                • #23
                  Sorry I missed your post yesterday Headfry - I'd have offered words of support like everyone else! It's horrible leaving your animals at the vets isn't it, so I really feel for you (and him!) Before Christmas I think I went to the vets every day (sometimes more than once a day) for a week, with 2 out of 3 of our cats: one had a spinal infection and one had cystitus and had to stay in for 24 hours . It makes me sad just thinking about it.
                  Dwrudd - one of our cats has epilepsy too; she always fits when she's in a deep sleep, usually on our bed (luckily usually also between us, so we hold her on!) She's always as right as rain afterwards though - I'm sure I'd milk it and want extra cuddles and food and to get out of doing the dishes etc.! (not that she does many 'chores'!)


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Waffler View Post
                    ... and want extra cuddles and food and to get out of doing the dishes etc.!
                    Any tips on how to train a cat to do the dishes would be most appreciated, Waffler!

                    Glad Sebbie's Ok, Headfry - like the others I know what it's like to have a cat stuck in the vets and not know if they are going to be ok - Domino was hit by a car a few years ago. As you can see from my avatar, he made a robust recovery!


                    • #25
                      Result! Happy cat and owner! Glad it's turned out so well - do ask those questions though, you won't be truly satisfied till you do.
                      Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

             Updated March 9th - Spring


                      • #26
                        Glad to hear the good news about Sebbie Headfry and glad you were able to find support here on the Vine to get you through the day. So much nicer to be able to share your worries.

                        Get well soon Sebbie!
                        Last edited by JennieAtkinson; 31-05-2007, 01:28 PM.
                        Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
                        ~ Mary Kay Ash


                        • #27
                          Thanks, I would have gone off my head without you guys! as it was the day was a bit of a 'headfry'


                          • #28
                            Glad everything turned out ok Headfry, I know how worrying it can be.


                            • #29
                              So glad to haer Sebbie is doing ok now. I have 2 cats, Big Puss and Little Puss and I love them to bits even though I'm not that imaginative when it comes to names.
                              Little Puss had kittens last year and 3 out of 4 of them sadly succumbed to fading kitten syndrome. During the few days after diagnosis I was an absolute basket case, always on the phone to the vet as well as in and out of the surgery. It goes down as one of the worst weeks I've ever had but the kitten that survived now lives next door and I get to see lots of her.
                              Kirsty b xx


                              • #30
                                Glad to hear the good news. Hope you are both recovering well.
                                Bright Blessings

                                If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


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